First Impressions Reviews

Summer 2018 First Impressions – Late Night! The Genius Bakabon

The pinnacle of gag manga as well as one of Akatsuka Fujio’s most renowned works, “Tensai Bakabon” returns after 18 years since its last anime with Director Hosokawa Toru’s new original story! Bakabon and his family, who made the phrase “This is how it should be” famous, are back along with the eccentric cast of Mr. Policeman, Rerere no Ojisan and Eel-Dog letting loose in a much more modern setting! The new frontier of “Bakabon” that’ll take place in a late-night slot is about to begin, 10 years after Akatsuka Fujio’s death.Crunchyroll

Streaming: Crunchyroll

Episodes: 12

Source: Manga

Episode 1 Summary: It’s been eighteen years since the previous animated incarnation of Akatsuka Fujio’s (Osomatsu-kun) manga Tensai Bakabon, and the characters are back and ready to take on the modern era. Papa, however, has the idea in his head that his family and their anime’s setting hasn’t changed nearly enough in the interim, so he starts making arbitrary alterations left and right. He hires a new voice actor to perform his role, and then hires a famous surgeon to give him a dramatic new look. He also has Bakabon, his son and the show’s namesake, cloned into sextuplets to capitalize on the fame of that other classic remake. Papa’s tunnel-vision towards dramatic change continues to escalate until the family’s youngest child, Hajime, is about to be falsely arrested for dealing drugs. It’s Mama’s anger that brings the family back down to Earth. Sometimes change for the sake of itself isn’t really such a great idea, but with an familiar-but-updated look and feel, the family can start their new show on the right foot.

First Impressions Reviews

Summer 2018 First Impressions – Angomois: Record of Mongol Invasion

In the year 1274, the invading Mongols have their sights set on Japan. The exiled samurai Jinzaburō Kuchii is in Kamakura when he finds himself face to face with the invasion.ANN

Streaming: Crunchyroll

Episodes: 12

Source: Manga

Episode 1 Summary: Jinzaburo Kuchii is a former general, and one of many criminals facing exile for his crimes. On a storm-tossed boat, he and his fellow prisoners are at the mercy of the seas until a gang revolt sees several dead and Kuchii and the more reasonable members now in charge. They make their way to Tsushima, an island located between Japan and Goryeo (the modern-day Korean Peninsula) where they’re greeted warmly by Princess Teruhi who invites them all to dinner. It’s there that the reason for their exile (rather than alternate punishment) becomes clear; there are rumblings of Mongol ships 900 strong waiting to set off from Goryeo, and Tsushima is directly in their path. The criminals are meant to be the first line of defense to help repel the Mongol invasion. Kuchii vows not to get involved, but is drawn into the conflict when Princess Teruhi is nearly kidnapped by an advance force.