One thing that kind of stinks about writing in this format is that, no matter how much prep work you do and how long you consider what you want to say, sometimes you just come up with a better idea later on. I don’t know that I’ve outright regretted anything that I’ve posted (aside from using language and slang then that I wouldn’t use now), but there have been times I’ve struggled with trying to interpret something, only to have “the answer”™ drop into my lap days or weeks later. This happened to me last week when I was writing my post for “Umibouzu;” despite the fact that I’ve watched those episodes many times and had a decade to ponder their meaning, it wasn’t until the middle of last week that I had half a thought about them that actually made sense. I sure wish that lightning had struck me on Sunday when I was writing the post! I won’t go into too much detail here; I’ll probably end up just posting an aside or addendum this week as I have time. I don’t want to steal the thunder from this week’s set of episodes, after all. I did, however, want to mention the situation because I know I struggle with knowing when a piece of writing is “finished.” I might spend hours editing, re-editing, and picking away at something without it ever being entirely where I want it to be. Finally cutting myself off can be painful, and I suspect there are others out there with the same issues. I just wanted to let you know you’re absolutely not alone!