
Something Nice – Treasure Hunting

Sometimes you just wanna look cute.

As you can probably tell from the general lack of posts, it’s been a rough few weeks or so. Mental health has always been a struggle for me, and with the stress of the US elections (and aftermath), some long-term dental work (ugh), and various job-related stresses (I love my job, but it keeps me very busy and often leaves me mentally exhausted) I haven’t had much cranial strength left over to do any writing. I’ve actually avoided most corners of the internet aside from communicating directly with others; this is unusual for me, but sometimes I just need to stay away. There are also other factors that occasionally cause me to disengage with anime fandom more specifically for brief periods, though for right now I’m not interested in going into much detail about that for fear of harping on the same sorts of things too often. Needless to say, sometimes a break is in order (this is actually the first time I’ve sat down at my desktop computer at all in several days, though I’ve likely posted a thing or two now prior to this particular post being scheduled).

In addition to my general lack of internet presence, I’m still not particularly concerned with writing speed or volume anymore; as I told an audience at a recent convention, I may not be the fastest with my first impressions, but I am the slowest! Reviews will get done when they’re done, and I want them done to my specific standards. I’m more about maintaining an archive of reviews than I am being up-to-date anyway; friends of mine tell me that they appreciate being able to look up anime they’re interested in, and many of them aren’t weekly anime-watchers, so the relationship works well.