Book Club Special Features

Summer Reading – Legend of the Galactic Heroes

As anime fans, I’m sure each of us has some series that we’ve been curious about, but just never made the time to watch. As each anime season goes by, I find that I only have enough time to finish some of the series on my long list of “maybe’s.” As the months pass and new anime seasons take the place of older ones, the likelihood of getting to any of the stragglers becomes smaller and smaller. But there are still those that hang around in my mental headspace, demanding to be seen. I like to try to clear out my calendar for those every once-in-a-while.

Legend of the Galactic Heroes has been on my list for a long time. Back in the days where I was downloading a lot of fan-subs, I managed to collect most of the series in preparation for some later viewing. Even then, though, the number of episodes was daunting; with 160-some episodes, a few movies, and now a recent in-progress re-make, the series goes way beyond my typical comfort zone for series run-time. Possibly the only equivalent in my anime fandom life right now is Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, and I’ve been watching that along with everyone else, enjoying the breaks in-between seasons to rest-up for the next one.

Sometimes it’s easier to achieve a goal if you set up ways to keep yourself accountable, though, which is why I’m designating the series as a “Summer” reading project. I use quotes, because to keep my viewing within the confines of the season, even generally, I’ll have to keep a pace of about 1-cour a week, which I don’t think is feasible for me. But I’d like to watch as much as possible each week and talk about what I did manage to watch each Sunday, as I’ve done in the past with my Book Club.

For those who are interested in watching along, the series (including the films) is streaming in the US on Hidive. If you’re lucky enough (and rich enough), you can also purchase a Blu-ray, limited-edition copy of the series from Sentai Filmworks. I’ll be posting my first set of reactions next Sunday (June 16th)!

3 replies on “Summer Reading – Legend of the Galactic Heroes”

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen this series, and I’m not sure I ever saw the entire thing. (And of course no subtitles back in those days.)

Back in the day I had a difficult time getting a hold of all the episodes, which is another big reason why I never watched it (the episode numbering that the subbers were using was really confusing). I think they’d be amazed at the convenience of having all on a streaming website.

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