Conventions Special Features

CONvergence 2019 – Panel Materials

Hi all, I’ll keep this brief. While J.C. and I were on several panels this year, only one – Shiny New Anime – had any quantifiable amount of material to go along with it. Both the handout and the PowerPoint slide deck are below.

Please note: there aren’t any huge differences between the version of Shiny New Anime we presented a few months ago at Anime Detour, and this one; I mostly just cut items due to our more typical time slot at CONvergence, and added a clip for Sarazanmai. There are a few more additions to the handout, however.

PowerPoint Presentation

As usual, these are yours to have. If you use any of the material for your own presentations, blog posts, or what-not, please credit me. I put a lot of work into these materials (even if they’re fairly straightforward).

First Impressions Reviews

Summer 2019 First Impressions – How Heavy Are the Dumbbells You Lift?

When a friend cruelly calls Hibiki fat it’s like a knife stabbed into her heart. The high school girl loves to eat but decides to go on a diet to be absolutely thin by summer vacation, but she doesn’t know how to exercise properly on her own. Hibiki finds herself in front of a training gym and joins. Once there, she meets her beautiful and charismatic student council president Akemi Sōryūin and steps into the intense yet enjoyable world of weight-training.ANN

Streaming: Funimation

Episodes: 12

Source: Manga

Episode Summary: Hibiki is a growing girl with a healthy appetite, but when a friend of hers comments on her expanding midsection and overall plumpness, she decides that it’s time to slim down. She joins the Silverman Gym, and discovers that a classmate of hers, Akemi, is planning to join as well. As it turns out, Akemi has a bit of a muscle fetish, and this gym is packed to the gills with bodybuilders and their bulging muscles. Hibiki feels out of place, but decides to try to get her money’s worth anyway.

Akemi is old hat at strength training, but Machio, their personal trainer, is encouraging and helps Hibiki push herself to complete more reps than she might on her own. She learns how to do bench presses and squats during her first week. When Akemi asks how many times a day Hibiki eats, Hibiki gets ready for another scolding, but Akemi is simply impressed; with such a strong appetite, Hibiki has almost infinite potential to bulk up her muscles.

First Impressions Reviews

Summer 2019 First Impressions – Magical Sempai

Tejina is cute, weird, and loves stage magic. She also has crippling stage fright. The nameless male main character first meets her practicing parlor tricks in her club room alone. His high school requires that he join a club, and for some reason he can’t take his eyes off Tejina and her fruitless attempts at magic.ANN

Streaming: Crunchyroll

Episodes: TBA (12 minutes apiece)

Source: Manga

Episode Summary: Protagonist-kun (he’s literally unnamed) needs to find a school club to join, since his school requires it of all students. He plans to join the literature club so that he can slack off, but hears some enthusiastic dialog coming from an open door and decides to peek inside. The source of the speech is Tejina, a pretty upperclassman with a love for stage magic. Unfortunately, her skills at maintaining illusions leave something to be desired. Somehow protagonist-kun gets roped into becoming her assistant, though his main duties involve playing the straight man and cleaning up after Tejina’s mistakes.