Conventions Special Features

Anime Detour 2023 – Convention Reactions and Personal Updates

*Tries to pretend that she wasn’t absent for months*

Hi all, how has everything been? It’s been a little while. Long time readers will probably be familiar with these periods where I just drop off the face of the Earth for long periods of time. It’s not you, it’s me. Specifically, I’ve realized it’s an ADHD/hyperfocus thing. For quite a while last year, my particular hyperfocus was fiber arts (knitting, crochet, etc.) and so having thrown my whole self into that, it left me with not as much time to document my anime-viewing adventures. I’m choosing to try to make peace with that aspect of myself rather than worry too much about it – since I don’t make my living off of my writing, taking long breaks doesn’t necessarily cause many negative effects, aside from the fact that I lose touch with the many online-only WordPress blogging friends I’ve been fortunate to make (though I do still pop in and read your writing when I can, I promise).