Anime Reviews First Impressions Reviews

Summer 2021 First Impressions – The Case Study of Vanitas

Streaming: Funimation

Episodes: TBA (a second cour has already been announced)

Source: Manga

Episode Summary: The vampire Vanitas was born under the inauspicious sign of the blue moon, causing others of his kind to shun him. In order to seek revenge, Vanitas created a powerful grimoire with the goal of eliminating other vampires. Noé, a young vampire, travels to Paris in search of this grimoire when it suddenly falls into his lap (in a manner of speaking). As Noé attempts to help a young woman who has collapsed on the deck of the airship he’s riding to his destination, he’s attacked by a young man in black who comes crashing through the windows of the airship.

The woman is a vampire who’s been attacked by a malady that steals vampires’ true names, thus corrupting their power. The brash young man in black uses the power of the grimoire he holds to heal and return control of her body to her. He claims to be a vampire doctor operating under the name “Vanitas,” although he was given this name and the grimoire from his master who formerly held both. Is Noé’s encounter with this Vanitas fate or luck working its magic? As Vanitas hassles Noé to become his meat shield, he wonders just with whom he’s become involved.

Anime Reviews First Impressions Reviews

Summer 2021 First Impressions – Remake Our Life!

Streaming: Crunchyroll

Episodes: 12

Source: Light Novel

Episode Summary: Please note – the first episode of this series is an hour-long special. I will endeavor to keep the summary to a manageable level.

When the game company that 28-year-old Kyouya works for shutters its doors, he’s forced to move back in with his parents. Through a stroke of luck he meets Eiko Kawasegawa, a director at game giant SucceedSoft, and due to Kyouya’s vast skillset he’s able to land a pinch-hit job working on their 30th anniversary project. But the gaming landscape has changed dramatically in recent years, and despite the reported involvement of members of the so-called “Platinum Generation,” (several well-regarded artists who graduated from art school at the same time), the 30th anniversary project is canceled, as is Kyouya’s contract. When he returns home yet again, he wonders if his life would be any different if he’d chosen to follow his dreams and attend creative arts school. But life doesn’t generally provide many second chances.

When Kyouya wakes up later, he discovers that he’s indeed been granted a second shot at life – he’s inhabiting his body from 10 years prior, only in this timeline he’s accepted the offer from “Oonaka University” to become a student. He goes to live in a shared house with three other students and learns quickly that the arts aren’t all fun and games. But a pep talk from Aki Shino, one of his roommates, gives him the strength to work toward learning his true talents.

Anime Reviews First Impressions Reviews

Summer 2021 First Impressions – Scarlet Nexus

Streaming: Funimation (the version I watched was the premiere version posted early on their YouTube channel, and includes a message from the Oral Cigarettes, the band who sings the theme song).

Episodes: TBA

Source: Game

Episode Summary: Yuito and his friend Nagi are about to join the ranks of the “Other Suppression Force” or “OSF,” who are individuals with psionic powers who defend the populace from invasion by Others, brain-eating entities that attack with little warning. Yuito was inspired to join because a member of the OSF saved his life when he was a child, but both his father and older brother are high-ranking members of the organization as well. As he navigates the entrance ceremony and meets the new comrades in his platoon, Yuito struggles with the knowledge that his psionic abilities are on the low end. Being the member of a well-known family certainly has its downsides when information like that gets passed-around.

As Yuito, Nagi, and the other recruits are sent out to handle an attack by several Others, Yuito is confronted by a situation that echoes his own so many years ago. He breaks rank to help rescue a straggling child, but when the situation becomes dire he’s rescued by Kasane Randall. Kasane feels very familiar to Yuito; they may have a history that Yuito just can’t put his finger on.

Anime Reviews Reviews

Odd Taxi Episode 13 – Truth

Well, friends, we made it. This journey is nearing its end. I’m both happy to be here with the final episode of Odd Taxi in hand, and incredibly sad that the experience of watching it is now coming to a close. I’ve been finishing series here and there over the last week or so; my partner and I just knocked off Super Cub last night, and that journey was its own style of satisfying. SSSS.Dynazenon was great, fully living up to and even surpassing its predecessor in many respects. Fairy Ranmaru was… well, it was something, all right. But Odd Taxi has been the one anime on my list that, week to week, I’ve looked forward to the most. Perhaps because I’ve got a bit of a furry streak, but definitely also because it’s been one of the sharpest-written, most satisfying anime series I’ve had the pleasure to watch in real time.

I don’t want to waste too much time with introductions, so I’ll leave things at that. Below are my posts about previous episodes. I may also write about the series as a whole if I have some time, but I think I’ve captured most of my thoughts fairly well from week-to-week so I might let things simmer for a while before that happens.

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12

Previews Reviews

Summer 2021 – A Brief Top Five

Earlier this week my partner and I sat down to watch the Anime News Network’s Summer anime trailer watch party, which is something they’ve put together just prior to the past few anime seasons. I’ve gotten to the point in my life where I’m just not keen on doing the extreme amount of research needed for a real seasonal preview (you can read more about that here). Despite that, I decided it wouldn’t be too much trouble to write about the trailers that impressed me, as long as I kept selections to a reasonable number (and comments to a reasonable length). Luckily Summer season seems to be way less loaded than Spring has been (thank goodness, I really need to catch up), so it wasn’t difficult me to trim down my list. Below the cut are my “top five” for this upcoming season; I’ve elected to leave out sequels and continuations, as has been my practice lately.

Anime Reviews Reviews

Odd Taxi Episode 12 – Regret

This past Sunday was Father’s Day in the United States. I love my own father and called to wish him a good day. But I still have trouble navigating some of these “greeting card holidays,” especially the parent and grandparent related ones. My husband and I have been trying to start our own family since we got married nearly four years ago, and as everyone can probably tell we haven’t had much success. These kinds of holidays are a sore reminder that my kind, caring husband doesn’t have the child he deserves, and my parents have no grandchildren.

I think life is full of regrets, and one of mine is that I went for so long thinking that I didn’t want to have children and never looked into whether it would be a possibility for me until I was older and staring down the loaded gun of advancing age. It’s a tough situation to navigate, because I’m used to giving things up; my family didn’t have a ton of money or resources when I was growing up and so I went without sometimes (I also had all my needs met, though, so it feels strange to claim hardship even though compared to other people I know it probably was). But sometimes life isn’t fair and wanting something very badly doesn’t mean that it will eventually appear in front of you somehow.

On that cheery note, let’s get back together with our animal friends for this penultimate episode of Odd Taxi! I have to say, I’m going to miss this series deeply when it’s over. Check out the links below for my thoughts on previous episodes:

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11

Anime Reviews Reviews

Odd Taxi Episode 11 – Envy

Thursday was the first Summer session meeting of the anime club I attend, and boy was I thankful for the opportunity to revisit some great anime that I’ve previously enjoyed. While I love watching seasonal anime, there’s so much of it that I find it difficult to re-watch anime series from even the recent past, so this weekly appointment with other anime-loving friends has been an real boon to my fandom. Also, having the opportunity to share amazing anime with others is an experience that will never get old for me.

Watching something more than once gives me the opportunity to catch onto details I may have missed the first time around; this is partly why I’ve stopped attempting to write about these Odd Taxi immediately after watching the first time. With so much going on, I find that it’s helpful to watch the episode a second time with my partner and really try to take in what’s happening without also trying to take screenshots and jot down notes. I also like to let the content simmer for a bit too, because sometimes inspiration strikes at odd times.

Once again, Previous entries are linked below.

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10

Anime Reviews First Impressions Reviews

Summer 2021 First Impressions – Sonny Boy

Streaming: Funimation (the version I watched was a limited-time free preview on their YouTube channel; the “real” release date is July 21st)

Episodes: 12

Source: Original

Episode Summary: Due to an unknown phenomenon, a school and several students have been transported into a black void. Without their teachers or the outside world to dictate what should happen, the student hierarchies begin to manifest themselves more strongly with the student council attempting to take control of the situation by creating rules and doling out punishments. Complicating this is the fact that a sub set of the students also developed super powers after arriving in the void world, and many of them aren’t inclined to listen to orders from their former peers.

As the void slowly consumes the building and the power struggle between the student council and the superpowered students plays out, Nozomi, a transfer student recently returned to Japan, and Nagara, a quiet, somewhat aimless guy, play out a very different, more emotional power struggle among themselves. Nozomi’s inclination to take risks and walk her own path may turn out to be the key to helping the group navigate this strange, new world.

Anime Reviews Reviews

Odd Taxi Episode 10 – Stalking

Whew, it’s been incredibly hot lately here in Minneapolis. Today’s considered a bit of a reprieve because it’s only getting into the upper 80’s Fahrenheit (around 32 Celsius). My Scandinavian body doesn’t do very well in this kind of environment (in fact, looking at the average temps in Norway, I can tell I come from that stock… anyway). I guess that makes this an ideal time to stay inside an watch more anime. I think maybe I made the same excuse during the winter during the polar vortex, but whatever, it’s always a good time for anime!

My husband and I actually caught up with SSSS.Dynazenon yesterday evening, and we were saddened to realize that there was only one episode left of the show. This time in the season is always a struggle for me, because the series I’ve enjoyed so much are all starting to wrap up. While there are almost always new anime series to look forward to, it can still be difficult to let go of something you’ve truly enjoyed. As the type of person who tends to settle comfortably into a routine after a while, though, not knowing what to expect from the future, even if it’s from something fun, like a hobby, can always be a little bit uncomfortable. Odd Taxi is another series that I’ll be really sad to see wrap up, even though I’m also dying to see how the story comes to a conclusion. I imagine I’ll be stopping and starting the final episode a few times while I’m watching it; that’s generally what will happen when I just don’t want something to end.

If, somehow, you’ve missed my previous posts on the show, they’re linked below for your convenience:

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9

Anime Reviews Reviews

Odd Taxi Episode 9 – Loose Ends

Well, I’m pretty proud of myself; while you’ll be reading this at a later date, as of right now it’s Wednesday, June 2nd and I’m caught up with the series. Not really the biggest of deals in the grand scheme of things, but I think it’s good to celebrate small victories when possible. If that’s the only thing I’ve been able to cross off my to-do list during these couple of days off, well, I can be happy with that.

While I don’t typically participate in online discussions about currently-airing anime (at least in the bigger, more well-known forums), I do occasionally lurk for the purposes of information-gathering. I find Reddit to be fairly good for that sort of thing, because there are quite a few active members there who watch anime for details and clues; I’m more about broader themes and bigger ideas, so I don’t always jot down tiny details in the moment or spend time re-watching a series while it’s airing to pick up on what I’ve missed. If you’ve been enjoying my write ups so far but might be looking for a different perspective, I’d recommend checking out their weekly discussions for more information.

Once again, my previous entries related to Odd Taxi are linked below, so be sure to check them out if you haven’t already!

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8