Anime Reviews Reviews

Odd Taxi Episode 8 – Perception

My sibling-in-law and their husband are big film buffs who we’re always trying to get to watch anime. Sometimes it seems as though my husband and I belong to a different world, where we’re constantly talking about the latest, greatest anime yet don’t have the time to watch much Western media, while his sibling is in the exact opposite boat. Recently we went out to eat with them and Odd Taxi came up in conversation as an anime series we thought they’d like, and it’s one of the few cases where I feel like, once the show is done, I might insist on it. As much as I like anime in general, it often feels as though it plays a little fast and loose with stories. How to explain… it’s like sometimes the choices made in adaptation (since so many anime stories are adapted from other media) make the storytelling feel less intentional than it might otherwise. Odd Taxi feels like a story that works well as an anime-first production, for reasons that I suspect are starting to become more obvious… It’s because of that that I think I could probably convince someone who isn’t normally into general anime fandom to watch (and maybe even like) it.

My previous write-ups are linked below as usual. Even if you’ve just stopped by after searching for information on a specific episode, I hope you might feel like sticking around a little bit longer to see what I’ve had to say!

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7

Anime Reviews Reviews

Odd Taxi Episode 7 – Masks

I took a couple of days off this past week in an attempt to regain some sanity after a particularly stressful month or so at work. I can usually tell when I’m due for a vacation, because I’ll start to get really short with people and have a difficult time dealing with unexpected situations. I’m lucky that my job provides me with quite a bit of flexibility and is generous with PTO. I’ve used the time to catch up on a little bit of anime as well. My Anilist is a wasteland of half-finished anime series at the moment, and any little bit of time I can get to chip away at that is welcome, in my book. Of course, Odd Taxi has turned into an extremely high priority series for me in spite of whatever leftovers I have in the fridge from past seasons, so this time away from work has been a good opportunity to work on catching up with that, too.

As usual, below are the previous entries in this series of posts. Be sure to check them out, too!

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6

Anime Reviews Reviews

Retro Review – Birdy the Mighty: Decode

I may have mentioned this here in the past, but I’ll say it again for the benefit of people who haven’t had a chance to read my FAQ page – I’ve been writing first episode reviews since around Spring of 2007, but aside from some early stuff on LiveJournal, which I believe exists to this day (though LiveJournal, ugh) I ended up losing a lot of that early writing due to various factors somewhat beyond my control. But actually that isn’t the truth anymore, because I’ve been able to recover access to them recently.

One thing I’ve heard wise people say is that if you look back on who you once were and it causes you to cringe a little, that means you’ve improved as a person. That’s a nice thought, and having skimmed through some of my old writing I’d like to think that holds true for myself. I wasn’t a good writer or critic back in those old days, and I definitely expressed my share of terrible takes about anime. That said, I thought it might be fun to revisit some of those old reviews by dusting a few of them off and updating them with some of my more current opinions about the series in question, if I’ve since had the opportunity to watch them.

Disclaimer: The retro review may be edited slightly for things like spelling errors and such, as well as for language if necessary. I used to use language and/or terminology back then that I would never use now, and don’t want anyone to think that I would currently condone saying anything that is directly hurtful toward others. Anime fandom is a place for everyone. Any of my current commentary embedded in the retro review will be indicated by brackets [ ]

Anime Reviews Reviews

Odd Taxi Episode 6 – Deterioration

This weekend was the first time in quite a while that I spent any amount of time out in public simply for the purposes of having fun. I’m not normally someone who longs to be outside, but after spending such a large fraction of time stuck inside over the past year, I was hungry (literally, as it turned out) for some big, dumb event. My state’s state fair organization held a series of mini-events over the past week for folks to spend time on the fairgrounds eating fair food and doing activities, and while it definitely wasn’t the same as actually being at the event (I’m still a little wary of that – our state fair is considered one of the best in the country and attendance numbers will attest to that fact) it scratched an itch that I wasn’t aware needed addressing.

Now that I’m sufficiently sunburnt from that and then spending another couple of hours outside that day caddying for my husband (disc golf, not actual golf), I feel like I’m sufficiently back in the mood for some anime. To any other bloggers reading out there (I feel like that’s most of my audience at this point, lol) make sure you take some time out for yourself to have some fun if you can. It really helps to refresh your brain a little bit after sitting in front of your computer for hours at a time; without nurturing your mental health (in whatever way that means to you) it becomes easy for it to crumble and deteriorate.

As always, this post will contain spoilers up to and including this point in Odd Taxi. Be sure to check out my previous entries for this series, linked below for your convenience:

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5

Anime Reviews Reviews Short Takes

Spring 2021 – A Couple of Sequels

Though I’ve attempted to branch out over the years in terms of what I write about here, I think I’m still somewhat known for my first episode/premiere reviews of anime. In the past I’ve struggled with this, and tended to go back into hibernation after finishing those first impressions because I just had no idea what to do with myself after my quest was complete. Now I’m making more of an effort to put into words the anime-related thoughts that come to my mind on a regular basis.

That said, this isn’t a post with any sort of deep reflection on what I’ve been watching. But I did want to make some space to talk about a couple of the sequels I’ve been looking forward to this season, and some of the aspects of those episodes that I look for when coming back to a series after a long hiatus.

Note: I’m also planning to watch the second part of Moriarty the Patriot, but since that was more of a split-cour situation, I felt it didn’t really warrant any additional attention at the moment.

Anime Reviews Reviews

Odd Taxi Episode 5 – Never Enough Money

Originally my goal with these posts was to catch up to the broadcast of this series, but I’m under the impression that I might not be capable of doing so before it finishes up. Timeliness has never really been my strong suit, so c’est la vie, I suppose. Despite my deep urge to watch ahead of my reviews and catch up with all the episodes of what’s turning out to be an extremely compelling series, I think the task of sitting down with each episode and examining it has been helpful for me to really take in all the details of what’s happening. There have been so many call-backs to previous episodes so far and so many seemingly random events that end up being connected to one-another that typing them out (in a form that I hope is slightly better than glorified notes) has helped me in my quest to keep track of everything.

I hope folks have been having a good time reading my episode analyses; no one’s really said anything, so I’m going to continue to forge ahead and assume the best. If you’re interested in catching-up with what I’ve had to say so far, be sure to check out my previous entries linked below:

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4

Anime Reviews Personal Reviews

To Love and Be Loved – Ash’s Legacy in “Banana Fish”

Note: This post contains spoilers through the very end of Banana Fish.

I suspect it’s common to go through periods of questioning one’s value to the world. At least, it’s common for me, because I have a terrible history of low self-esteem and imposter syndrome. If there are folks out there reading this who’ve always been perfectly confident about themselves or discovered the secret to mental well-being, well, please teach me your secrets. I spend possibly too much time worrying about what I have to offer to the world and whether I’m worthy of love, and I suspect that’s likely why I grew so attached to the narrative in 2018’s Banana Fish adaptation.

Anime Reviews Reviews

Odd Taxi Episode 4 – Emptiness

Now that I’m pretty much done with the rush of reviews, my husband and I have been watching some of the shows he was interested in. I usually give him a run down of everything I’ve enjoyed from a season and show him some premiere episodes, then let him decide what we watch together. I re-watched episodes 2 and 3 with him the other day, and we were both sad that we had to stop there (if I’m writing about a show I prefer my first viewing to be when I’m actually trying to do a write-up, otherwise I feel like it taints the experience for me). Even though I’ve been taking a little bit of a break this past week, I made getting back to Odd Taxi my first priority.

I’ve got a couple of spoilery things to mention about the previous couple of episodes, so I’ll put that stuff below the cut. Before that, though, here are links to the previous entries on this series, in case you’d like to catch up prior to this one:

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3

Anime Reviews Reviews

The Way of the Househusband – What Makes an Anime?

I tend to have issues remembering when Netflix releases their anime. I’m so used to the quarterly seasonal framework and the week-by-week single episode release schedule that most seasonal anime follows that when Netflix drops an entire cour’s worth of anime it’s almost always a surprise to me (even when I know it’s coming and have my Netflix notifications set up to remind me. Yeah, I know). I always think “oh, I’ll get around to it” and then in many cases I never do. I’ve been trying to remedy that lately by watching a little bit of (mostly) Netflix anime on my phone before I go to bed a few times a week. It’s been a fairly successful endeavor, even though I’ve realized I can get through maybe an episode-and-a-half of material before starting to feel sleepy. This shouldn’t be seen as a criticism of anything I’m watching – I fell asleep through the second half of Vivi -Fluorite Eye’s Song recently despite feeling very invested in it. My body just doesn’t seem to obey any “clean sleep” rules and gets settled into bedtime mode by watching videos or listening to the TV. Weird physical adaptation or ADHD side-effect? You decide.

Anime Reviews Reviews

Odd Taxi Episode 3 – Bubbling Below the Surface

Hello, friends. It’s time once again to check in with our animal(?) friends (more on that beneath the cut) with episode 3 of Odd Taxi. This episode seems to continue along with its blend of interesting, snappy dialog and slow-burn narrative movement, giving us some more insight into a few of the characters and adding a bit more intrigue along the way. If you haven’t been watching the series, I still highly recommend it. As you may expect, this post will contain spoilers for the series up to this point.

You can check out my previous blog entries about the series via the links below:
Episode 1
Episode 2