Reviews Short Takes

Winter 2021 – Anime Watch-List

I don’t talk about this in detail very often, but in the grand scheme of things I do watch quite a bit of anime as compared to at least some of my peers. Much of it lately has been in “catching-up” mode, marathoning a lot of single cour series in one go over a couple of evenings to fill in the gaps from this past year. This is the first season in a while where I’ve had the presence of mind and the time to stay on top of broadcast anime, the consequence of which is that I’m following a lot of anime this Winter. But that doesn’t mean that I’m giving everything equal weight – there are some anime that I’ve started to look forward to and for which I carve out some time, while there are others that I’m having fun watching but might delay or even drop if my circumstances change. I thought it would be an entertaining (perhaps mildly horrifying) exercise to outline what’s-what, in case anyone else is following along.

Disclaimer: these are just my own opinions, and based on only a few episodes in some cases. This list is subject to change in light of potential future story developments in any of these series.

Reviews Short Takes Simulcast Reviews

Winter Simulcast Check-In, Week of 1/17/2021

Hi, all. This post should be significantly shorter than the previous check-in, mostly because I’m just cleaning up a few episodes of shows that hadn’t had second episodes at the time I wrote the first post (or which I cut for time and my own sanity). If you’re a new reader, it might surprise you to know that I do actually like to write things other than episode reviews! Yet, I find it helpful to go through the process even if writing about it isn’t as interesting as it could be (though maybe some folks out there find it interesting to read).

I’ll mention this again – these recaps won’t be a weekly feature of the blog, but if there’s an interesting episode of anything in particular in the coming weeks I might take time to write in more detail about that episode specifically.

Reviews Short Takes Simulcast Reviews

Winter Simulcast Check-in, Week of 1/10/2021

I thought I’d try something new this season, since I’m watching a lot of anime (by design; I’m seeing how much anime I can watch concurrently and whether my ability to keep track of a lot of series was a fluke of my youth, or whether I’ve still “got it”). I’m going to attempt a periodic recap of the simulcast/simuldub series I’ve been watching in order to keep my thoughts organized. I don’t know that I’m in a place where I feel like digging deeper into 1 or more series by giving them their own weekly posts like many other bloggers I follow, but I thought this might be a good way to ease into the routine of posting more on a regular basis.

Some series have not aired their second episodes as of the date I’m using as a cutoff for this post, which is why they aren’t listed this time around. I am almost certain I’ll be dropping a couple anime off the list as I go; this might look like a lot, but this is pretty typical for me during a season where I feel active and I’m not shy about cutting a series off if it’s not providing me with any enjoyment.

…Yeesh, this post got long. I hope you’ll forgive me, haha 🙂

First Impressions Reviews

Winter 2021 Premiere List

Hi everyone! Here I’ve collected a list of all the premieres I wrote “first impression” reviews for. Just click on the link to read the review you’re interested in. I’ll leave this pinned to the top of the blog for the next few weeks or so.

2.43 Seiin High School Boys VolleyballBack ArrowBottom-Tier Character Tomozaki
Cells at Work! Code BlackCute Executive OfficerDr. Ramune: Mysterious Disease Specialist
EX-ARMGekidolHeaven’s Design Team
HorimiyaHortensia SagaI*Chu
Idoly PrideKemono JihenLBX Girls
Mushoku Tensei: Jobless ReincarnationOtherside PicnicRedo of Healer
Scar on the PraeterSK8 The InfinitySkate-Leading Stars
So I’m a Spider, So What?Suppose a Kid from the Last Dungeon Boonies…The Hidden Dungeon Only I Can Enter
VladLoveWave!!! – Let’s Go Surfing!!Wonder Egg Priority
First Impressions Reviews

Winter 2021 New Anime – Premieres for 1/11-1/13 2021

As I suspected, there are only a few premieres left (aside from a few shorts, but I like to give those a couple of weeks so I’m not attempting to write about just 3 minutes worth of material), so I’m going to try to finish them off in this post. Hey, look at that! I think I may have achieved my goal – finishing first impressions before the series’ second episodes have aired. I’m going to chalk that up as a win.

After this, I’m going to pin a digest at the top of the blog for the near future with links to the first impressions by series name, since having multiple anime per each post makes it slightly more difficult to search. If My current methodology has frustrated you, hopefully this will help make up for it.

First Impressions Reviews

Winter 2021 New Anime – Premieres for Sunday, January 10th, 2021

By the time this is posted, it’ll be Friday. This week has been a long one, mostly because I’ve been kind of sick, working from home with no change in scenery, and hoping that I don’t end up feeling worse before I get better. On the plus side, I’ve been sleeping a lot better than I have in a long time. I have a cat, whom I love very much, but she has a bad habit of waking up around 4:30am and deciding that’s when my husband and I should also wake up. She’s also one of the loudest cats I’ve ever had the pleasure to know so there’s no ignoring her when she starts her morning routine. Luckily she’s dialed it back a little bit lately and instead of pawing at my face with her foot to get me up, has been a lot more willing to curl up and go back to sleep on the bed with me.

The better sleep quality has the added benefit of allowing my thoughts to remain more coherent (at least I think they are; the jury’s still out on whether other folks agree). While I still have a bad tendency to get distracted while I’m writing (I’m blaming the internet for being so interesting all the time!), at least I’ve been able to write.

Just as a note: after this batch the premieres start trickling off a little bit so premiere dates might be combined into fewer posts.

First Impressions Reviews

Winter 2021 New Anime – Premieres for Saturday, January 9th, 2021

The first couple weeks of a new anime season sometimes feel like running a marathon – it’s a long haul task of watching new episodes, constructing coherent thoughts about them, and then moving on to the next one in a relatively short amount of time. From the outside it might seem like a pretty easy job to sit at a desk and watch anime, but as a lone blogger it can get pretty intense especially since I’m editing my own posts without the benefit of an outside force reminding me not to use certain pet phrases too much (for some reason, this season has been all about the word “albeit” for me, even though I haven’t used it that much in the past). The urge to self-edit in the midst of the writing process is tempting, because then the second pass takes less time. Unfortunately, it’s so easy to get hung-up on finding the perfect phrasing that I find that methodology to be more limiting. It takes training to let oneself word vomit to the benefit of the final product.

I hope folks are enjoying these little asides at the beginning of my posts; I have a difficult time getting started sometimes, and providing a window into my thought process seems to help me a get into a writing frame of mind. If you’re not keen to read vaguely-related personal things, it’s easy to just click the “continue reading” button and skip to the good stuff.

First Impressions Reviews

Winter 2021 New Anime – Friday, January 8th 2021 Part 2

It’s always a good day for anime, so I’m moving forward with the other couple of new episodes from last Friday. I’m pretty pleased with my progress thus far. I always have it as a goal in my mind to watch the first episode of a series before the second one airs. I nearly never achieve this, but I keep hoping to at some point. I’ll say it outright – I’m a perfectionist in certain ways, and the way that manifests when writing about new anime is that, once I fall behind, I feel like it’s hopeless to try to catch back up. I’ve missed out on some good viewing opportunities because of this, because I end up moping and don’t have enough time to watch all the anime I would like to.

I can’t really say that this time will be entirely different, but I’m doing a lot to try to work on my attitude and refocus if I start to get off track. For example, I would have liked to have had the previous post up on the site on Tuesday, but I was feeling ill and couldn’t manage to finish it. But I used some break time on Wednesday to fix it up and post it without dwelling too much on the feelings of inadequacy that tend to creep in when these things happen.

This might not really be the proper place to talk about this, so I might write a separate post down the line. I’m just thankful and happy when people read and enjoy my writing, no matter when it gets posted.

First Impressions Reviews

Winter 2021 New Anime – Premieres for Friday, January 8th 2021

It’s amazing how much things can change in a short amount of time. Yesterday during the day I was all geared-up to come home and watch anime, but then before I went to bed I started to feel suspiciously cruddy. Now I’m working from home and hoping that all I have is a case of the creeping crud. Luckily I don’t feel too poorly, but I’m a little irritated that the only places I’ve been for quite a while (aside from work, which is fairly isolated) are “the grocery store” and “the other grocery store” and I still managed to catch something.

On the upside, it does mean I get to use my lunch time to watch a little anime to maybe catch up a little bit (not that I’m stressing). This group of premieres is the largest so far, but if this post gets too long I might split it in two so that I don’t overwhelm folks.

First Impressions Reviews

Winter 2021 New Anime – EX-ARM

I didn’t really plan to do any single-episode posts this season for reasons that have been stated repeatedly by now. But I had a suspicion that I might have reason to set aside some extra time for this premiere, so I skipped ahead a bit in my viewing order to ensure I got to watch it almost as soon as it dropped.

I make it a policy not to dunk too hard on anything nowadays, because as fun as it is in the moment it leaves behind an unpalatable emptiness that I’d rather avoid. That said, because we’re all here to talk about an art form that we really enjoy, I think it’s important to be critical when it’s warranted, at least to the point that folks are able to make their own decisions.