The story centers on “Chronos Rulers,” those who fight the time-eating demons that appear when people wish they could turn back time. The Chronos Rulers fight a time-manipulation battle against these demons. – WikipediaCopyright 2017 (c) project No. 9
Episode 1 Summary: Koyuki and her friends are about to graduate from high school. Koyuki wants to put on a musical performance at their graduation ceremony, but regrets that her brother won’t be able to attend. He passed away rescuing her from being hit by a car, and she still carries that regret with her. When other students begin muttering about a clock tower in town where one can make a wish a turn back time, Koyuki is greatly tempted by it. Unfortunately, conducting the ritual only attracts the attention of a “Horologue,” a demon who feeds on human beings’ time-related regrets. Luckily, she’s protected from harm by Kiri and Victo, individuals with some control over the speed that time progresses. They’re able to dispatch the horologue, but at the cost of some of Victo’s memories. Victo himself is the victim of a horologue; though he appears to be a young man, he’s slowly becoming younger and younger, losing time and memories of his past life in the process.
Impressions: Note: Contains a spoiler for the major revelation at the end of the first episode.
Kiri looks out over the city after his battle with a Horologue. Copyright 2017 (c) project No. 9
Chronos Ruler is kind of an oddity in my eyes. What starts as sort of a typical early-2000’s-style buddy cop urban fantasy series a-la Descendants of Darkness turns weird (weirder?) when we learn that the two main characters, who’d normally probably be assumed yaoi couple and primary draw of an otherwise straightforward TV anime, are actually father and son. Due to some weirdness related to the flow of time (basically the entire mechanic that makes up the plot), the youthful, twerpy protagonist is suddenly made to be a tragic figure and his “brother,” actually his son, is the one who gets to watch him slowly fade into nothingness. Fun times! It’s kind of a unique situation, a surprise for me as a viewer; for a medium that relies a lot on copying what came before, I think that’s something to be lauded. I just wish that the concept had been a part of a show less workmanlike and a bit more interesting in other ways.
As an action vehicle, this episode does some good things using what it has to work with. I thought that the opening scene was especially exciting and well-executed; Kiri chases a horologue through the streets of the city and there are lots of dynamic shots with some slow-motion pauses that ramp up the “cool” factor a bit. They also emphasize, without outright saying anything, the nature of the character’s time manipulation ability, which I thought was a nice touch. There’s also some surprisingly good CG integration in these scenes; the moving backgrounds and the horologue enemy are both accomplished using primarily CG animation, and the character animation goes between 2D and 3D in this and later scenes, depending on the complexity of the camera movement and distance from the camera. Obviously it’s noticeable since I noticed it, but I think it works well and isn’t so jarring as to become distracting. As compared to something like Hand Shakers, my low-bar for diarrhea dumping CG elements into an anime, Chronos Ruler is relatively judicious with its CG and the resulting product is very watchable.
A horologue is produced from Koyuki’s regrets. Copyright 2017 (c) project No. 9
The episode does have a glaring problem, however. Like many anime before, there is an overriding tonal conflict that takes away from the meat of the show. Overall I’d peg this as a relatively serious action/fantasy series with kind of a classic feel to it; there’s an opportunity for contextual humor with a sarcastic, cynical edge, but for the most part the story seems to lend itself to being straightforward and a little dark or melancholy. But several times throughout the episode, the character interactions devolve into something out of a manzai routine, with Kiri as the exhausted straight man and Victo as the goofball. These moments serve to heighten the tragedy of the characters’ situation when it’s revealed later, but in the midst of the exposition these moments are distracting and irritating. This episode deals with a regretful death, albeit in kind of a melodramatic way. There’s an overall sadness to it that isn’t well-served by this type of intrusive goofiness, and to be honest I’d rather be ham-handedly manipulated into feeling sad for the characters than jerked-around between feeling bad and feeling irritated over the immaturity of the production.
Time travel and time manipulation are two subjects that are rarely examined in a way that’s comprehensible, because due to the nature of time itself, messing around with it creates every manner of logical conundrum and paradox one could imagine. I doubt that this anime series, which seems to operate entirely under the guise of the “rule of cool” has the chops to really follow through on that front. And as a bishounen vehicle, well, I’m sure there are many fans who won’t worry about the father-son dynamic in the protagonists’ relationship (nor should they: people can like what they want), but for me that kind of removes all that would have attracted me from the “hot guys doing action stuff and being hot together” angle. Ultimately I’d expect this show to unfold in way that’s mildly entertaining but probably pretty forgettable.
Pros: The action elements in the first episode are pretty well done. There’s good integration of CG elements.
Cons: The comedy stuff sticks out like a sore thumb. The relationship between the protagonists could be weird/squicky for some.
In a world where Spirits and Humans coexist and can fall in love with each other, many Spirits see their human loved ones die before them due to the Spirits’ much longer life expectancy. Even when that human is reborn, the previous memories of their past life is erased from their memory. However, it is said among Spirits that a certain “service” is spreading. This “service” is provided by the “Fox Spirit Matchmakers” who can revive the lost memories of their former lover. When a Spirit loses their lover, they can purchase the service of the Fox Spirit Matchmakers to attempt to restore their former lover’s memories, and continue their love story together. This story follows a young Fox Spirit Matchmaker who tries her best to restore lost memories and spread love. – ANNCopyright 2017 (c) Haoliners
Summary of Episode 1: Fox spirit Suusu comes from a prestigious clan of matchmakers – individuals whose job it is to locate reincarnated humans in service of the immortal spirits who love them. Unfortunately Suusu is young and hasn’t yet completed a match. Her clan is about ready to kick her out, though she’s determined to complete her next mission and prove them wrong. It’s in pursuit of this possibly fruitless dream that she runs into shameless monk Haku Gessho, coincidentally the human man to whom she’s been betrothed. Somehow these two misfits decide to work together, not realizing that they’re meant to be together.
Impressions: It’s been an awfully long time since I’ve watched something that so thoroughly gave the impression that someone had thrown a bunch of sad old tropes into a bag, shuffled them around, and then dumped them out and used them as-is to make a profoundly mediocre end produce. During the best episodes of anime, I often find myself pausing each episode multiple times to absorb what’s going on; during this episode of anime, my mind wandered to the point that I was nodding off.
Suusu’s sibling(?) wants her out. Copyright 2017 (c) Haoliners
I don’t want to pigeonhole these Chinese co-productions (or just productions? I’m still not entirely sure) too much, but of those I’ve sampled so far, they seem to have several things in common. They often feel like the generic versions of genre pieces that were popular about ten – or more – years ago. They seem to be made without much care given to aesthetic appeal and don’t seemed to be planned or directed with much intention. And there’s really something indescribable about the dialog, especially when it’s supposed to be funny; it’s like the jokes have been run through three or four different translations, and the cadence just doesn’t seem right even if the words kind of make sense. This show seems to suffer from all of these things, with the added setback of having two extremely unlikable protagonists.
Suusu’s characterization seems to be banking mostly on her cuteness and utter ineptitude. While this isn’t the type of character I’m drawn to anyway, set against some of the other major problems this episode has (including its disjointedness and inscrutability), it turns something that’s boring into something that’s kind of infuriating. Gessho is your typical skeezy dude looking to shirk his responsibilities, and being such he’s in the company of so many other dismal anime protagonists from really mean-spirited ecchi shows his presence here just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. There’s zero chemistry between the two leads and I’m not sure that anyone involved with the production could do much to make me feel anything about their relationship at this point. It’s been a while since I’ve been so unconvinced by a couple that’s ostensibly fated to be with one-another.
Gessho strikes a pose. Copyright 2017 (c) Haoliners
While I don’t normally enjoy harping on things like this, I feel I really have to mention that this is one of the clunkiest and visually-unappealing series I’ve watched lately (and I watched an entire episode of Hand Shakers so I’m pretty sure I know what I’m talking about). If the show had great writing or something other hook I might be more inclined to overlook the workmanship aspect, but there’s truly not much to distract one from the fact that the characters are all lacking in detail, barely move (even during “action” scenes), and look like they don’t actually exist within the backgrounds that they’re slapped on top of. The background art is also incredibly generic and doesn’t give the impression of any particular time or place. It mostly seems to exist just because someone had to put something there.
Though I mentioned it earlier, it bears repeating that there’s just something a little bit off about the dialog. Much like the events of the episode, which keep occurring one-after-another with very little rhyme or reason, people keep talking and talking without saying anything substantial and their lines are translated awkwardly, almost too literally in some cases. I’m reminded of a Perd Hapley line from Parks and Recreation, altered and paraphrased – the lines have the cadence of a joke, and that’s really the only way I know that I didn’t laugh when I was meant to. If I were more inclined I’d go re-watch the episode in order to provide an example, but I’m not inclined to put myself to sleep at 7:30pm a second night in a row (yes, this happened; after I watched the episode I wandered out to the couch and fell asleep for two hours. I know what I’m doing the next time I have a bout of insomnia!).
Part of me really wants to see a breakthrough anime-style hit from somewhere other than Japan. Considering that Japan farms out a lot of its animation work to Korea, China, and places in Southeast Asia, it seems long overdue that these other countries should have a share in the success of the anime aesthetic. I’m positive that it will happen at some point. But not right now and not with this stinker of an attempt.
Pros: I like the Haoliners intro animation, but I couldn’t find a video to link to so you’ll have to take my word for it.
Cons: The protagonists are unlikable and their relationship isn’t believable. The animation is clunky and flat, with little personality. There’s something goofy about the dialog and/or translation.
Review: This review contains some spoilers for episodes 1-4 of the Netflix Castlevania series.
Content Warnings: These episodes contain depictions of extreme graphic violence against human beings. The story also partly involves corruption within the Catholic Church.
The video rental shop from which I used to rent NES games as a kid had quite the eclectic mix of cartridges from which to choose. Along with the typical things like Super Mario Brothers and The Legend of Zelda, they also had less memorable titles like the deplorable Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde stinker, Legendary Wings, and Milon’s Secret Castle (an exercise in frustration, to say the least). They didn’t carry all the entries in the Castlevania series, but they did have the third title, Castlevania III: Dracula’s Curse, for rent. My first experiences with the franchise were based around that game; I would call it a formative experience in my gaming fandom.
Castlevania III combined the standard whip-based monster hunting from the first game with unique features like branching level pathways; completing certain stages gave you a choice of multiple paths to take forward. The protagonist Trevor Belmont also had the ability to partner with one of three secondary characters, each with their own strengths and abilities of which the player could take advantage. I spent a lot of my parents’ money renting that game, until I eventually acquired a copy of my own. Even as an adult I still occasionally go back to revisit the game (luckily my cartridge still works!).
Lisa meets Vlad in his imposing home. Copyright 2017 (c) Netflix/Frederator Studios
When Netflix and Frederator let on that a Castlevania animated series was in development, there were definitely a lot of questions. Was this to be based on one of the games specifically, or was this outing planned as a separate, new story set somewhere in the existing timeline of the franchise? It was only within the past week or so that I learned about Castlevania III serving as the source material, and it was very welcome news to hear. Not only is the game regarded as one of the best in the series, it also features elements like multiple characters and a richer, more well-defined setting. It seemed like an obvious choice to adapt. While at this point it’s difficult to tell whether the endeavor has been entirely successful, since the first chunk of episodes released feel like a first act rather than a full narrative, I think the show is off to a good start.
The show takes place in fifteenth century Walachia, a territory inside what is now Romania. A woman named Lisa visits the castle of Vlad Tepes and seems mostly unafraid of the experience despite the desolation of the surrounding landscape and copious amount of skewered human remains lining the path to Vlad’s front door. Her thirst for knowledge and desire to bring medicine and science to the superstitious populace has brought her here, and her curious attitude and lack of fear intrigues Vlad, who is otherwise cynical about humanity’s value as a species. The two begin a relationship, Lisa convincing Vlad to explore what it means to live as a human. Unfortunately, over the years, Lisa’s proclivities towards science paint her as a witch and heretic, and a motivated local bishop acting under what he interprets as the will of god has Lisa burned at the stake. In his pain and anger, Vlad, known also as the legendary horror Dracula, curses mankind, giving them a year to get their affairs in order before unleashing the creatures of Hell across the land. He makes good on this promise, and the cities of Walachia begin to fall under the wrath of the king of vampires.
Sypha Belnades is returned safely to her grandfather. Copyright 2017 (c) Netflix/Frederator Studios
Enter Trevor Belmont, a member of the disgraced Belmont Clan. Excommunicated from the Catholic Church, Trevor has been skulking around the countryside living only for getting drunk and surviving – barely. His travels bring him to Gresit, the last remaining large city in Walachia not to have been taken over by Dracula’s army. He means to pass through and get out of town, but encounters a group of Speakers, a nomadic group who maintain a wholly oral history that predates the advent of the Church. One of their own is missing, and though Trevor would like to leave them to their own devices, he allows himself to become entangled in their affairs due to his family’s connections to the group. He rescues the missing grandchild, a magic-user named Sypha, then chooses to defend the Speakers against the Bishop, who has turned them into scapegoats by blaming the current demon infestation on their heretical beliefs.
Trevor and Sypha, somewhat by accident, begin their descent into Dracula’s ever-changing castle. It is within the shifting walls that the two encounter someone who could ultimately turn out to be a friend or foe.
As I mentioned above, this group of four episodes feels much like the first act of a larger tale. While there’s still a self-contained story revolving around the errant Bishop and a demon “mid-boss” of sorts, the fourth episode ends with our intrepid heroes beginning their descent into the castle in earnest. Considering how Netflix typically releases its shows in larger chunks, I was expecting something more like a 13 episode release of the entire narrative adaptation. That said, I suspect that a gritty animated series aimed at an adult audience was farther from a “sure thing” than Netflix would have liked, so in a way it makes some sense for them to dip their baby toe in the water before diving right in. That aside, I’m optimistic about what I’ve seen so far and about where the series might be headed.
Trevor meets with the Speakers, who wish to remain in Gresit despite the Bishop’s promise to execute them. Copyright 2017 (c) Netflix/Frederator Studios
It’s an inevitability that this series will be compared to Japanese animation, so I’ll go ahead and do that without reservation; this animated serial incorporates a lot of anime’s positive traits to its benefit. While serialized stories are no longer a rarity in Western television entertainment, it hasn’t been until more recently with series like Avatar: The Last Airbender and Steven Universe that specifically American-created animation has more often chosen to take that path. But those of us who are avid anime viewers are more than familiar with the technique of depicting limited stories that unfold across a relatively small number of episodes, and this series already has that sort of feel to it. There’s also a fairly obvious aesthetic similarity between the two; while the character designs do tend towards the more obviously Western-style, my partner remarked (having seen some of the screen shots I’d taken) that he wouldn’t have been surprised to hear that the show shared staff with the Boondocks animated series, known for its anime-inspired look.
The series also doesn’t shy away from adult material, though whether some of it is to its benefit or detriment might be up to the tastes of the viewer. There’s no other way to say it; this show can be graphically violent at times. In incarnations of the source material, there’s a lot of demonic death; in Castlevania: Symphony of the Night there are enemies called “Bloody Zombies” that explode into a gush of blood when you kill them, screaming before they disintegrate, and that’s just one of the many examples from the broader game franchise. I expected there to be some of that kind of content in this adaptation, but what I wasn’t prepared for was the extensive depictions of human death; beginning almost right away in the first episode as Dracula unleashes his minions, people (men, women, and children) are torn in half, decapitated, stabbed, burned and bloodied in multiple creative and horrific ways. There are human entrails draped across the rooftops in one unfortunate town, in addition to things like rotting heads on pikes. This kind of content is pretty much par for the course for a lot of TV series that aren’t restrained by the rules of regular television broadcast standards, so I expect that a lot of people will be used to it. However, this is one area where the show really differs from anime; while a lot of anime can be violent, depicting detailed gore is often avoided or at least censored somewhat, and it’s hardly ever the focus of the scene. Castlevania seems to revel in it sometimes, and that’s something I’m not really used to.
Sypha uses her magic to rescue Trevor from the angry townsfolk. Copyright 2017 (c) Netflix/Frederator Studios
Something else that felt a little bit artificial to me was certain aspects of the writing and dialog. There seems to have been an effort to depict Trevor Belmont as a cynical, somewhat-smarmy asshole, and to try to accomplish that he occasionally expresses a bit of nihilistic gallows humor and some “witty quips” in his lines. There’s also a lot of swearing sprinkled throughout the entirety of the dialog, and while I like to swear a lot when I’m speaking casually and can recognize that this is occasionally entertaining to others, oftentimes in this context it feels forced and sort of anachronistic to the particular setting.
On the upside, the animation was generally of pretty good quality, and in some instances stepped over the threshold into “awesome” territory. The creators and animators seemed to recognize where best to focus their resources, and this falls into step with how a lot of anime looks and feels. During dialog-heavy scenes, there’s more focus on atmosphere-building through color choice and the relatively static positions of the characters. When warranted, however, there are some excellent action sequences that are on par with some of the better Sakuga scenes from recent anime productions. I think this is generally a good approach that places focus on the cooler, more memorable scenes in this chunk of episodes without having to put quite as much strain on the animation staff.
Adrian Tepes (aka Alucard) makes his appearance. Copyright 2017 (c) Netflix/Frederator Studios
That said, there are a few visual missteps that I think are worth pointing out. There’s some use of 3DCG for a few elements, including a mirror apparatus Dracula uses in the first episode, and some CG demons in scenes where there are large groups flying through the sky at once. Generally the slightly uncomfortable coupling of 2D and 3D doesn’t bother me much anymore, but the frame-rate of the CG elements seems overly-smooth and out of sync with the traditional elements which ends up inadvertently calling a lot of attention to it. There are also some scenes in which the characters aren’t joined well with the background art; it’s difficult to explain what I mean, but it can feel like they don’t entirely exist in the same universe as if they’re floating above a painting. I think part of it is that there isn’t enough grittiness to the visuals; there’s a good use of color and darkness to create a good atmosphere, but it looks too shiny and clean to feel real. Perhaps some different kind of filtering might have avoided this issue in the final product.
The last item that came to my mind and that I thought might be worth mentioning is that the Speakers, the (ethnic?) group to which Sypha belongs, are a pretty obvious analogue to the Roma/Romani people, a persecuted nomadic ethnic group now found all over the world. I don’t know whether this group was depicted this way for a reason beyond that of narrative flair and flavoring (and I have a worry in the back of my mind that the creators might get something wrong in the future), but I found it heartening to see that a group that is still maligned to this day in some areas by some people was used as inspiration in a positive manner.
Overall I would have to say that I’m very pleasantly surprised with how Castlevania has panned-out thus far. Considering the failure rate of properties based on video game source material, I was hoping for the best but expecting the worst. However, it seems like this adaptation is taking what’s there from the game (which is extremely bare-bones, typical for NES-era games) and expanding on that in a way that isn’t slavishly-devoted to its game origin and feels fairly natural. Netflix has already ordered a second season of 8 more episodes, and I’m looking forward to seeing the continuation of the story.
Pros: This feels like a good adaptation of the source material – faithful but not “like a video game.” The look and feel take good parts from Japanese animation and Western animation.
Cons: There are some visual missteps that can be jarring. There is a lot of graphic violence and quite a bit of strong language.
A Japanese mecha otaku dies in a car accident and his soul is reincarnated into another world as Ernesti Echevarria. Eru inherits memories and interests from his previous life, and aims to be a pilot of a Silhouette Knight, a large humanoid weapon that really exists in his world. – ANNCopyright 2017 (c) 8-Bit
Summary of Episode 1: Kurata is a programmer who always gets the job done, even when it’s crunch time and it doesn’t look like his team will meet their deadline. He’s also a big fan of mecha anime and has an entire room in his apartment devoted to his model collection. Unfortunately, once he’s killed in a hit-and-run on a rainy night, his model-making hobby is over for good. Or is it? As luck would have it, Kurata’s spirit is reincarnated into the body of a child noble named Ernesti “Ernie” Echevalier. Better yet, the world in which Ernie lives is one filled with magic, as well as mecha-like apparatuses called “Silhouette Knights.” With his adult-like maturity and interest in mecha, Ernie manages to work his way into the top of his class and eventually positions himself to become a pilot. But demons are starting to run amok. Will Ernie’s cleverness and penchant for inventing things be the factor that turns humanity’s luck around?
Impressions: First of all, let’s get this out of the way and then never speak of it again: what is up with the apostrophe in the show’s title? It’s been causing me a lot of heartburn. Maybe Japanese creators could just agree to employ the services of a native English speaker from now on so that we can all avoid any future hair-pulling punctuation flourishes.
Kurata’s last moments. Copyright 2017 (c) 8-Bit
Just like every other storytelling trend, the fantasy subgenre of “Isekai,” in which a modern day individual is transported from their home into another world (the word literally means “another world.” It makes sense!) has been expressed in so many variations lately that it’s beginning to seem a little bit stale. More often than not, it feels like the trope is used solely in the service of stroking the male ego – “I’m an otaku who knows how these alternate worlds work through my extensive knowledge of fantasy media and games, so the elves, demi-humans, and other female denizens of this realm will certainly fall in love with me!” There are obviously many variables in both specific details and relative quality, and it’s not like this is a new phenomenon or one solely limited to male characters (in fact, some of the earlier examples I can think of featured young women drawn into worlds with groups of hot bishounen suitors), but it’s been very one-note as of late. So what does it take for something with a stock premise to stand out?
One good example I watched some of within the realm of recent memory was The Saga of Tanya the Evil, which reincarnated its adult male protagonist into the body of a young girl and turned its story into a philosophical debate about the existence of God. For every high-minded and creative attempt, though, there are several Sword Art Online clones, as well as wildly-popular but ultimately unsatisfying and problematic examples like Re:Zero. More often than not the genre is used as a setup to portray a teenage male power fantasy, paving the way for the protagonist to experience undeserved privilege (due to his knowledge of fantasy and/or video game tropes) and the adoration of an endless parade of cute but vapid female suitors. So where does this example seem to fall?
Ernie gets the opportunity to see a cockpit up close. Copyright 2017 (c) 8-Bit
The answer, for now, seems to be that it’s somewhere in between. There are several good things going for the show from the get-go, the primary one for me being the protagonist’s seemingly bottomless enthusiasm regarding his new and strange situation. Kurata/Ernie, for his part, seems to be so thankful to have been reincarnated into this brand new world that the loss of his previous life, job, and faithfully-curated mecha model collection, doesn’t haunt him too badly. It’s presented as if whatever deity running the universe has presented Kurata with some kind of consolation in exchange for cutting his life short. Rather than be all entitled about it, he interprets this chance as a gift to live a life that he’s dreamed of. Ernie might be unnaturally talented for his age due to his soul’s fortuitous foreknowledge of technology and ability to solve problems quickly and creatively, and this could easily have been used to portray him as arrogant and superior. But he’s so gosh-darned thrilled to learn about the Silhouette Knights and to study magic that it’s difficult not to get caught up in the whirlwind of his joy. His relationship with the Alter siblings and their shared penchant for learning, increasing their magical skills, and using them to aid others is nice as well.
The age of the primary characters also helps to set the tone of the show – the protagonist and his cohorts are all about middle-school aged, which is helpful in keeping them from seeming too self-important. They’re not yet concerned with looking cool and pretending that the issues of the adult world are somehow also their burdens to bear. They’re just kids – precocious ones, certainly, but also enthusiastic and guileless. They’re not yet concerned with the opposite sex in a way that makes many anime feel skeevy. Cool toys and friendships are paramount; other responsibilities can wait.
A Silhouette Knight puts down an evil creature. Copyright 2017 (c) 8-Bit
The show’s attitude and presentation could definitely carry it forward for a while, but it will certainly need to be coupled with other compelling elements and whether that part will be successful is difficult to predict from this episode alone. The building blocks of the story seem pretty typical so far – monsters are starting to show up more often, in greater groups, and much closer to human civilization than is comfortable, and our heroes will likely play some part in finding a unique way to put them down and thus save humanity. The show takes place in a vaguely medieval fantasy setting, its one distinguishing factor being that this world is inhabited by giant magical sets of armor – ambulatory due to magic and a human pilot inside, of course – that resemble the mecha that the protagonist is so fond of. Obviously one unique feature does not a memorable TV anime make, so while the mecha twist is kind of fun in and of itself it will have to reach further eventually.
I do like the overall look of the show so far, even the extreme shininess of Ernie’s hair (seriously, so shiny…). At this point it seems almost a given that mecha elements will be created through the use of CG, and I’m okay with that; the CG elements mesh well with the 2D portions pretty well. There are also some examples of really good traditional animation in the character acting during the episode’s fight scene between the evil creatures and students. Going in I had expected this to be a more simplistic and generic production, so it was a pleasant surprise to me that it was well put-together.
I might sound a little curmudgeonly at times when it comes to popular anime and anime trends, but one thing I like about myself is that I’ll still give something new a try even if I might not expect it to be all that interesting. Sometimes I’m pleasantly surprised when I do. I don’t think this is AOTS-material, but it might be something fun to watch and it seems to have its heart in the right place, at least.
Pros: The show has a good visual presentation. The enthusiasm of the protagonist is infectious. The show puts a slight spin on the isekai model.
Cons: The majority of the building blocks are pretty typical; it will have to do everything really well to stay compelling.
Liones Yelistratova is the naive princess of a small nation, who goes to Hokkaido to enter ALCA, an educational institution dedicated to teaching Logicalists who uphold world peace. Liones enters Class S, and encounters many unique classmates, including Logicalist Nina Alexandrovna. – ANNCopyright 2017 (c) Doga Kobo
Streaming at: Crunchyroll and Funimation (Simuldub not yet available)
Summary of Episode 1: Liones, a princess from an unnamed nation, arrives at her new school having stowed-away on a freight ship and hitchhiked in the back of dirty farm carts to make her way through Hokkaido. She’s a total mess when she arrives on the doorstep of ALCA, an academy dedicated to taking talented individuals and training them in the ways of contracting with individuals from “foreign” dimensions, a role referred to as a “logicalist. Lion, as she prefers to be known, doesn’t seem to have any inherent talent, and in fact most people who meet her peg her as an airhead. But she’s assigned to class-S, meaning that she’s already formed at least one contract (even if she might not remember actually doing so). During lunch on her first day, Lion demonstrates some aptitude with the process, though whatever being with whom she contracts seems a little bit malevolent. Classmate Nina knocks Lion back to her senses; Lion is just happy that she truly belongs in class-S now.
Impressions: Over the last couple of years there have been a few anime series that have drawn their narratives at least in part from the real-life world of anime voice acting. Shirobako, Girlish Number, and Seiyu’s Life! all feature scenarios in which actresses lend their voices to anime series of somewhat questionable quality, though only the latter two really put the situation front and center. These meta “anime-within-an-anime” are typified by their one-note characters, defined more by tropey archetypes than any sort of actual humanity. These shows also tend to be built by committee, with product tie-ins and other commercial concerns given more weight than creating something that can stand on its own. These situations are humorous and relatable because at some level as anime fans we know them to be true; not every anime creation can be a piece of art for the sake of art – sometimes it’s just meant to make money and give people a quick dose of something goofy and simple.
Liones arrives at school. Copyright 2017 (c) Doga Kobo
Hina Logic is like the purest real-life expression of this idea. The visual presentation is competent, the heroine is stupid and sort of likeable because of it, and her friends all run the gamut of moé archetypes – there’s a strong, emotionless girl, a snaggle-toothed goofball, a set of twin sisters with opposing temperaments, and a snooty ojou-sama who’s the class rep. There’s a little bit of a magical girl element, a little bit of clunky fanservice, and an incredibly thin plot that revolves around magical cards (product tie-in!). It’s all just kind of frothy and vapid, without much of anything to grasp onto and seriously be critical about. While it may just be me projecting, I almost feel as though I can hear from within the workmanlike performances the strained smiles and forced enthusiasm of the actresses as they try to talk up this show at a press event, internally aware that “hey, it’s just a paycheck after all.”
This was my poor attempt at being funny about something that used to make me very irritated. Toy commercial cartoons aren’t scarce in the West by any means (I mean, dear lord, G.I. Joe and TMNT were almost nothing if not a mechanism for getting kids to beg their parents for cool toys, and I used to eat both of those up), but I used to get really bent out of shape whenever my chosen form of media entertainment would deem it necessary to waste its time and mine churning out cash-cow advertisement entertainment rather than hoity-toity high art aimed directly at me. I’ve definitely gotten over it at this point, and now I’m just sort of fascinated by the anime production system itself and how adver-tainment is just one of its many facets.
The class rep and her cronies grill Liones about her situation. Copyright 2017 (c) Doga Kobo
As for this episode’s actual merits, the entire thing is much the same as the acting – workmanlike. Adequate. Mostly inoffensive. There’s some trashy fanservice that didn’t sit well with me; in one case, the mascot creature burrowed into a character’s blouse wreaking havoc for an uncomfortable length of time while the camera focused on her chest, which felt par for the course. There was also at least two and I think three bathing scenes with a lot of steam and light beam censorship, the issue being that the characters are rather young and look even younger, which makes it all feel extra gross. While I think really heinous and upsetting fanservice has mostly gone out of style since the previous incarnation of this website, which I’m extremely thankful for, I still find that most of that kind of content doesn’t make the show more appealing. It mostly just feels like a band-aid hastily-applied to a show that doesn’t have much of merit.
In any case, aside from the few sad attempts at pubescent sexual humor, Hina Logic is the type of anime that doesn’t prompt a lot of thought or reaction, because none of it stands out and it’s not really meant to be thought-provoking or unique. It’s these types of anime that are always so difficult for me to write about, mostly because I want readers to know whether they’d be interested or not but I can never really find an angle to latch onto. I will say that, while Katsugeki! Touken Ranbu gave me the impression that the game on which it’s based might be kind of interesting and fun, Hina Logic doesn’t do anything to flatter its associated game properties. And that’s perhaps the most damning thing one could say about an anime meant to sell something.
Pros: The show is exceedingly inoffensive.
Cons: This episode feels strained in several different ways. There are a couple examples of fanservice that are very shoehorned in.
At Hyakkaō Private Academy, the sons and daughters of the wealthiest of the wealthy engage in a unique curriculum geared to teach them to how to read their opponents. Specifically, students have a rigorous curriculum of gambling where the winners live like kings, and the losers are put through the wringer. When Yumeko Jabami enrolls, she’s decides to teach the students what a real high-roller looks like. – ANNCopyright 2017 (c) MAPPA
Streaming At: Netflix (assuming it will be a late-cast in the US)
Summary of Episode 1: Ryota Suzui is in dire straits. After losing 5,000,000 yen to the devilish Mary Saotome at one of Hyakkao Academy’s after-school gambling sessions, he’s fallen deep into a debt that he’ll be unable to pay back for a long time. For now, his status is that of a lowly housepet, and Saotome-san is taking advantage of that as much as she can. When a kind-hearted young lady named Yumeko Jabami transfers into his class, he can only look on as Saotome strikes swiftly to try and take her out of the equation, but during a specialty game of “rock, paper, scissors,” the entire class discovers that Jabami-san is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Impressions: Several years ago, Madhouse produced an (informal) trilogy of gambling-related anime series that featured characters who demonstrated an almost devilish amount of luck. Akagi featured a teenage mahjong prodigy with a demonic ability to psychologically dismantle his opponents and cheat death when his very life was on the line. Kaijiwas about a hapless debtor whose inherent gambling skill only revealed itself when he was backed into a proverbial corner. And One Outs (which to this day I don’t believe has seen any official release in the US) starred a baseball pitcher whose skill made him rich in spite of sports managers who tried to take advantage of him. All three anime were really fascinating for their examination of human psychology, specifically the ways in which people act when they’re faced with overwhelmingly negative odds in situations where much of the results are left up to the luck of the draw. On the other had, each one was also an unrepentant sausage-fest, with hardly a woman in sight (and sometimes when a woman made an appearance, one wished that maybe she hadn’t). It always left me wondering what the same setup might be like with a cast full of young women.
Saotome turns Suzui into her personal “dog.” Copyright 2017 (c) MAPPA
In both the East and the West, when we think of gambling, we think of smoke-filled mahjong parlors populated by old men, or Texas Hold’em tournaments starring poker-faced and often quirky male players. Women can sometimes be seen as lacking the cunning and guile that it takes to gamble an opponent into oblivion. While previous series like Saki have avoided the discomfort of the situation by moé-ing things up and making the characters at least look non-threatening, or turned the gambling scenarios completely comedic like the awesomely-trashy Rio: Rainbow Gate, it hasn’t been until the moment that I watched the first episode of Kakegurui that I felt like I’d seen something that captured the same sinister tone of the aforementioned gambling trilogy. The show just happens to accomplish this while still inhabiting that most popular of anime settings – high school.
The premise of the show is inherently unbelievable in that, while I’m sure elite high schools exist in Japan, I’m almost positive that there are none with such a bizarre curriculum (I hope). But within a medium where there are plenty of series about magical high schools, haunted high schools, high schools with clubs that battle with one another or those that band together to solve mysteries, it’s ultimately not that difficult to suspend my disbelief. What Kakegurui does manage to accomplish with this not-quite-believable premise is to demonstrate a fairly decent sense about how ijime/bullying operates within a classroom social system, even if the type of bullying itself is unrealistic. Jabami-san is picked out as an easy target by the class bully and her cronies, is seemingly turned into a victim to the point where it seems like she’ll be banished to a life of subservience, much like our poor POV character Suzui. Of course, the sick pleasure to be derived from the narrative is that Jabami isn’t innocent whatsoever, and completely turns the tables on her antagonist.
Jabami gets turned-on by the thought of a challenging risk. Copyright 2017 (c) MAPPA
Jabami’s two-faced character is probably where the show demonstrates its biggest issues, however. There’s a problematic concept that shows up a lot in Japanese media but can be found in books, TV series, and films from all over the place, and that’s the figure of the woman who expresses her threatening, violent, or cunning nature via her hyper-sexuality. Suzui is drawn to Jabami when she seems demure and innocent, but is threatened and horrified when she switches into high gear – her eyes gain a sinister gleam, her skin flushes, and her lips plump and moisten. There’s also some “moist” visual symbolism that shows up briefly when she gets the upper hand on Saotome. It’s weirdly uncomfortable in that it ties together the idea of the sexual woman with an evil, aggressive, and cunning woman, and likewise conflates chastity with goodness in a way that places value on women’s state of being. This is something you just don’t see in Akagi or One Outs – when the protagonists of those series go into “battle mode,” they’re threatening and frightening because of their almost supernatural knowledge and their ability to think and manipulate themselves out of a corner, seemingly with ease. Here, Jabami also thinks her way out of her predicament using some amount of logic, but she does so while (figuratively) sopping wet. Our milquetoast POV character is put off by this demonstration, and I feel like we’re supposed to be also. It’s an unfortunately weird sex-negative scenario and a problem that’s much bigger than this show.
That aside (if you’re able to set it aside – it’s likely that many won’t and that’s understandable), this episode is something that I wouldn’t describe as “good” but might be tempted to describe as “awesomely-trashy.” It’s entertaining and problematic, and deals with characters who are awful people. It’s not normally my jam to watch stuff that’s quite so cynical about human nature, but I’m still morbidly curious about this truly strange title.
Pros: It’s a gambling tale with mostly young women as important characters. It does a decent job of demonstrating the workings of bullying in an unrealistic setting.
Cons: In this setting, women’s sexuality is seen as threatening. The fact that our POV character is a personality-less dude probably spells trouble.
The year is 1863 as the tumultuous samurai era is coming to an end, Japan is split between the pro-shogunate and anti-shogunate factions. The fate of the world is threatened as an army of historical revisionists are sent from the future to alter the course of history. In order to bring these forces down and protect the real history, two sword warriors, spirits who are swords brought to life by Saniwa (sage), rush to Edo. The polite and thoughtful Horikawa Kunihiro and the short tempered yet skillful Izuminokami Kanesada, who served the same master, confront the invading army along with a lively gang of other warriors including Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki, Yagen Toushirou, Tombokiri, and Tsurumaru Kuninaga. As the fate of history lies in these hero’s hands, what meets the blade is yet to be uncovered…ANNCopyright 2017 (c) Ufotable
Summary of Episode 1: Kanesada and Kunihiro are two warriors who exist outside of time and outside of the bounds of normal humanity. Both men are warrior spirits summoned from powerful blades by the sage Saniwa, and who have been sent backwards in time into historical Japan to prevent the malevolent Retrograde Army from meddling in and altering Japan’s history. The problem is that they are but two individuals, and the Retrograde Army continues to send more and more demonic soldiers to murder important people. It’s becoming more difficult to accurately predict where these creatures will appear and what effects they might have. It’s during a particularly dire battle that Saniwa makes his appearance in person, and he comes bearing gifts – three more weapon-based warriors to aid in the good fight. This may just tip the scales in the right direction, but only if Kanesada and the gun-wielding Yoshiyuki can get over their rivalry and work together.
Impressions: It’s easy to go into an anime viewing with prejudices, especially when the type of source material on which it’s based tends to have its own set of tropes. The Touken Ranbu game is described as a gender-swapped version of the game Kantai Collection, which anthropomorphizes historical military warships as sexy young women, for the consumption of a mostly male audience. Touken Ranbu does the same for famous swords, turning them into various flavors of attractive men for an interested female audience. Turnabout is fair play and all, but in past cases this sort of thing has resulted in anime that’s almost always kind of goofy and based around a one-joke concept that has to be manipulated all over the place to provide enough basis for an actual story. It’s not meant to provide a pithy plot, it’s meant to show attractive characters doing a thing and to justify merchandising. Which is great and all, but I don’t buy a lot of merch so that doesn’t really resonate with me.
The team analyzes who the next target might be. Copyright 2017 (c) Ufotable
Touken Ranbu is an interesting case in that it’s received two different types of adaptations. There was a more light, comedic adaptation (that I didn’t watch) a couple of seasons ago called Touken Ranbu Hanamaru that seemed to exist in order to get the sillies out of its system, and now there’s this adaptation, which appears to be taking things more seriously and concentrating on the supernatural action elements of the plot. It’s kind of an unorthodox approach to adapting a property to animation, but I think I kind of like it; there will always be people who just aren’t interested in doom-and-gloom seriousness and who wouldn’t watch something where characters are legitimately getting hurt and drawing blood from their enemies, while others just aren’t down with goofy humor and mostly plotless shenanigans. Now that some game companies are using their zillions of dollars to commission and oversee adaptations of their own material (see: Rage of Bahamut), maybe it’s something we’ll be seeing more often.
All that stuff is just background, though. The question is, how does the first episode of this show hold up? I was surprised that, when all was said and done, I was pretty impressed by what this episode has to offer. Anime in general, especially when the background plot points are sort of complicated, has a tendency to info-dump via expository dialog. Even really good series like ACCA:13, for example, can trip themselves up by awkwardly inserting minutes upon minutes of plot setup into character conversations (any time I hear or read “As you know…” in a show, I get a little embarrassed for the writers for being so obvious with what they’re trying to do). There’s a little bit of that here, but it feels more natural than in many cases. Since Kunihiro is a noob sword-guy on his first mission, the guidance he receives from old veteran Kane-san serves to fill us in on a lot of what their general mission is and the workings of the time travel element as it relates to what’s happening. A lot of what we learn comes in the characters reacting to the realities of their situation – the Retrograde Army is going to kill some important dudes in a general location that’s been narrowed-down as much as possible (though not enough – just the realities of trying to predict these things from a couple hundred years in the “future”), and they have to get rid of the enemy without intervening in the normal day-to-day stuff that’s going on. Since they’re from the future, they also have some notes regarding things that historically happened every day so they can cross-check that history hasn’t been altered. It’s a good system, doesn’t try to nail down the time-travel stuff in too much detail (because if you try to “logic” that all out it stops making any sense), and allows us to concentrate on the things that are really important – namely the cool action scenes and other exciting things.
Kane saves Kunihiro from getting skewered. Copyright 2017 (c) Ufotable
Since adapting the Fate series over several different anime incarnations in the recent past, Ufotable has gotten a reputation for its high-quality cinematic anime productions that present cool, well-animated action sequences with a lot of excitement and polish. Try as I might I’ve never really been able to get into any adaptation of the Fate series, which is unfortunate since I like watching cool action choreography and animation as much as the next person. At least judging by this episode, Ufotable has given us something that retains and shores up their reputation in this area, but without the added baggage of people trying to convince me that Saber is a feminist character (please stop doing this; I will not agree with you). While it’s not quite Sword of the Stranger quality action (seriously – if you love amazing animation, you can definitely watch around the middling samurai-movie plot for the sublime sword fight choreography in this film from BONES), the glistening swords and characters racing across the rooftops is exciting and fun to watch. A lot of care has gone into making this episode look good; if the job of an opening episode of anime is to put the show’s best foot forward and get viewers hooked on its best qualities, this definitely accomplished that.
The other side of this is that there’s a lot of reliance on computer generated components (creatures and settings) to help make many of the shots possible. Anime cinematography has gotten so much better over the past couple of years that this is really almost a non-issue; the hand-drawn characters and the 3D backdrops mesh together really well thanks to judicious use of visual filters and what is probably very conscientious storyboarding and layout construction. In short, it looks great! But similar to a lot of modern live-action films (especially superhero or disaster films that, by their nature, require a lot of effects work) there’s always that subconscious sense that the two pieces don’t exist in the same world, and that can be ever-so-slightly distracting (at least for me). But don’t let that dissuade you – I think this is one of the better examples of what can be done in the modern era when the two animation techniques work together.
A good-looking rival appears. Copyright 2017 (c) Ufotable
I was incorrect in thinking that this show was an Anime Strike exclusive; I learned that Aniplex USA has got it playing on several different streaming outlets, so while you won’t be able to afford to buy it when it’s released on disc, at the very least you’ll be able to scrape together enough pennies to watch it on your favorite streaming service (I added it to my queue on both Crunchyroll and Anime Strike, so we’ll see what service I default to in future weeks).
While I’m usually more interested in quieter, more thoughtful, or “iyashi-kei” or “healing” entertainment, it’s definitely fun to branch out and watch something that does nothing more than get my heart pumping. A well-constructed action series with attractive anime dudes is really the very definition of what gets my kokoro going doki-doki, so there you have it. Even if bishounen aren’t exactly your thing, though, I think if you enjoy swordplay, historical fantasy, or just really cool hand-drawn animation, Katsugeki! Touken Ranbu might have something worthwhile for you.
Pros: The visual presentation is slick and high-quality, the fantasy and time-travel elements don’t bog things down too much, and the characters are attractive.
Cons: There’s a sense that the characters and backgrounds are not of the same world.
It’s Summer, which means that intolerable humidity is hanging over the Midwest causing me to sweat myself to death. So it’s a great time to stay inside and watch some anime! Below are some impressions of upcoming series that seem interesting to me. Will all of these pan out? Probably not. Will some shows surprise me later on, even if they’re not on my gotta-watch list? Probably. Every season brings with it something new and interesting. Even though the Summer anime season tends to be pretty small in comparison to Spring and Autumn, there are still likely a few gems waiting to be discovered.
One interesting development that’s occurred in the past few months is what seems like a partnership of sorts between Sentai Filmworks and Amazon’s Anime Strike. While Anime Strike is controversial on its own due to being cloistered behind a pricey double paywall (first you pay for Amazon Prime, and then you pay a few more dollars to add Anime Strike to your channel list), it seems like this might be a big boon to Sentai Filmworks, who hasn’t had a go-to home for its acquisitions. I can’t say I’m happy having to add to my many video streaming subscriptions (Hulu, Netflix, Crunchyroll, Funimation… there are so many) but I see what they’re trying to do and I’ll play along for the time being, even if I think that it doesn’t set a good precedent for either convenience or price
Anyway, here’s a hastily-assembled list of the new shows I think might be interesting:
Copyright 2017 (c) Production I.G.
Welcome to the Ballroom/Ballroom e Youkoso
Begins: July 9th
Streaming At: Amazon Anime Strike
Synopsis: The setup seems typical for a sports or sports-type anime; the protagonist, a middle school student named Tatara Fujita is kind of mediocre at most things that he tries (sports in particular). He’s “rescued” from his mediocrity (and his bullies) by Kaname Sengoku, a professional ballroom dancer. It’s this encounter that draws Fujita into the realm of ballroom dance, perhaps something where he’ll discover his talent (spoilers: I’m guessing he’ll end up being pretty good at it).
Impressions: This is the show this season that I’ve been anticipating the most, for reasons that are as simple as me being interested in more offbeat takes on the sports genre and liking to look at attractive dudes doing fancy things. The various trailers have featured great music, sharp animation, and more elongated necks and bodies than you can shake a stick at. According to Sakuga Blog, there are some pretty big names associated with the project as well. It’s kind of fascinating to be in the fandom at a time when we get to see series that have clout with both fans of popular anime, and fans who like to follow individual creators and the animation process. I think this show will at least satisfy on looks alone.
Copyright 2017 (c) Zero-G
Begins: July 6th
Streaming At: Amazon Anime Strike
Synopsis: The Mizuki Diving Club is in dire financial straits and in danger of being shut down. Their only hope for keeping things running is to send one of their divers to the next Olympic Games on the Japanese team.
Impressions: I was just about ready to call this one a poor rip-off of Free!, but the novel and manga predate KyoAni’s bishounen cash-cow by a few years, so that’s probably misguided. Remember what I said above about anime that revolves around unusual sports? This is another series that might scratch that itch. Judging from the PV I just watched, the visual presentation isn’t quite as clean and crisp, but there are an awful lot of rippling abs on display, so the anime junk-food quotient for someone like me, a not-quite-but-kinda fujoshi, might be enough to keep it interesting, if there aren’t also some decent character moments (which is something that’s hard to get a sense of during a 2 minute preview where the characters are speaking in metaphors about “flying” and telling each-other how cool they looked).
Copyright 2017 (c) Haoliners Animation League/ Emon Animation Company
A Centaur’s Life/A Centaur’s Worries/Centaur no Nayami
Synopsis: Himeno is a centaur girl with a sweet, quiet personality. All of her friends and classmates are also supernatural or fantasy creatures, with wings, tails, horns, and other physical traits that set them apart from the human beings we’re used to. This is the story of Himeno’s daily school life.
Impressions: I like monster girls a lot. From the time I was a sullen teenager doodling in my sketchbook, to the current day during which I mostly just appreciate the art of others, I’ve thought female characters with demon horns or snake bodies or mermaid tails were just the cutest. But I’m still waiting for a really good “monster girl” anime to come down the pipeline. Monster Musume was gross, Interviews With Monster Girls started to give me a bad feeling a couple of episodes in, and Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid, despite having its good moments, still managed to bungle the good will it had built with a couple of non-con scenes that turned me off (I love that it’s inspired a lot of really cute cosplay, though). I’m hoping that this will just be kind of cute and innocuous and give me my fix. I haven’t decided whether or not the fact that there are also monster boys in the characters’ school will be positive or negative, but I’m willing to give the show a chance.
The anime is produced by a Chinese animation studio (though it seems to be managed by Japanese staff), and their track record isn’t the best (I see the dismal Spiritpact on their rap sheet – not a good impression to leave). If anything, I’m interested to see if the end result of this particular endeavor is any more pleasing to the eye or satisfying to the soul.
Copyright 2017 (c) Ufotable
Katsugeki!: Touken Ranbu
Begins: July 1st
Streaming At: Amazon Anime Strike
Synopsis: It’s 1863 in Japan, an era during which forces loyal to the Shogunate and those wishing to bring its power to an end were clashing. Historical revisionists from the future begin to invade in order to change the force of history, but they’ll have to get through two sword warriors who have come to Edo to defend the sanctity of the true timeline.
Impressions: So you’ve heard of guys who use swords, but how about guys who are swords? This series, one of two anime based on a collectable card style smartphone game, personifies historically significant blades as hot warrior dudes of various personalities. A more comedic take, Touken Ranbu: Hanamaru, premiered during the Autumn season last year, and this version appears to be a more “serious business” take on the concept. Considering Ufotable’s involvement, it’ll probably look pretty slick (it’s difficult to say for sure, since the most lengthy trailer I could find was mostly animation sketches put to dramatic music). I can’t predict how much staying concept the central premise might have, but at least the characters are attractive and the action might be fun.
Copyright 2017 (c) Kinema Citrus
Made in Abyss
Begins: July 7th
Streaming At: Amazon Anime Strike
Synopsis: The Abyss is an underground cave system, the last bastion of unexplored territory in the world. It contains treasures and relics from long ago that current humans cannot re-produce. It’s Rico’s dream to become a cave explorer like her late mother. One day she finds a robot who has the appearance of a young boy.
Impressions: Whereas there’s a lot on this list I think I can probably take or leave, I’m actually really excited about Made in Abyss. I found the trailer to be absolutely haunting, and the plot synopsis suggests that the story might take place after humanity has undergone some kind of technological decline, which is one of my favorite set-ups (see: Nausicaa, Sound of the Sky, Humanity Has Declined, and many others). There’s an edge to this one that makes it seem a little spooky in spite of its lush setting and cutesy character designs, which is another production aspect that gets me excited. It’s a little bit difficult to put my feelings into words any better than that, since this type of show really hits me in a deep place that’s based in old 1980’s sci-fi and fantasy that I saw as a small child, but maybe there are some of you out there that can relate.
Copyright 2017 (c) Studio Deen
Hell Girl 4/Jigoku Shoujo: Yoi no Togi
Begins: July 14th
Streaming At: Amazon Anime Strike
Synopsis: The fourth season of the long-running supernatural horror revenge story. Those seeking revenge on those who have caused them harm may access a secret website to call upon Hell Girl. She drags her targets to Hell itself, in exchange for the immortal souls of those who call upon her to help them. This season will feature 6 new episodes, and 6 “reminiscence” episodes.
Impressions:Hell Girl is one of those properties I’ve always been aware of but which I’ve never watched much of. From the time the first season aired it’s cropped up as a favorite pick at anime club Halloween events and so I’ve seen several episodes here and there because of that, but never entire seasons. I do, however, enjoy stories about human nature, even those bits and pieces of it which are uncomfortable to look at and experience, and this series is notorious for presenting those kinds of stories. The titular character doesn’t judge on morality, she just does a job; it’s up to the viewers to understand and interpret who’s in the right or wrong in each situation, and that can be unsettling.
Copyright 2017 (c) MAPPA
Kakegurui – Compulsive Gambler
Begins: July 1st
Streaming At: TBA
Synopsis: When you’re a child of the mega-rich, normal school sports and clubs don’t teach you the tools you need to keep your position in society. At Hyakkao Private Academy, the students’ education is geared specifically towards the skills of negotiation, manipulation, and deception – the students participate in a rigorous curriculum of various forms of gambling where the winners end up at the top of the class and the losers are punished accordingly. Yumeko arrives on campus and decides to show her classmates what a real gambler is capable of.
Impressions: This is a situation where I find the plot concept of the anime sort of interesting, but I have a strong suspicion that the execution will end up being too grotesque and/or mean-spirited for my personal tastes. The trailer features the protagonist in a kind of weird sexualized ecstasy that I suspect might get old (I’m not big on cruel sadism, and this feels like it might be toeing the line there as well). But hey, maybe there’ll be a little bit of Kaiji in there somewhere, too. I’m definitely game (ha!) to give it a try.
Synopsis: Yoshoku no Nekoya is like any other normal restaurant during the week, and is patronized by the working people of Japan. But on Saturdays, when it takes a day off, it becomes a gathering place for people from another world. When members of non-human races patronize the restaurant, they find that even the most mundane of Western-style dishes seem exotic and wonderful.
Impressions: I like stories about cooking and I enjoy light fantasy elements, so this series which seems to combine both things looks like it might be kind of episodic and cute. It’s amusing to think about how an elf or a demon might react to something commonplace like chicken soup. I’m also heartened to see that this is sort of a twist on the “isekai” sub-genre that’s been so popular lately; instead of some loser dude making his way into a video game or fantasy world and having several women hot for him, the people from another world are finding their way into ours. I can’t help but think that might be an improvement.
How about you? What have you been looking forward to this Summer? Let me know in the comments!
I don’t talk about video games much anymore, mostly because there are many other people online and in person who are better suited to do so. I haven’t owned a current-gen game system in quite a while (except for Nintendo’s systems, but most people don’t count those). But I’ve found a pretty decent gaming home on Steam, where one can find all sorts of things that scratch that retro-gaming itch – crucial for people like me who perpetually long for the SNES era of classic gaming – without breaking the bank. I usually only poke around when there’s a sale going on; a couple of days ago when the Summer Sale got into full swing I stopped to look at my discovery queue, which is a function of Steam that pulls together some tailored game suggestions for the user based on their preferences. Usually I find a couple of new items to add to my wishlist, and I maybe make a purchase or two (or ten. I have issues). This time I was intrigued by a game in Steam’s early access program (the games in this program aren’t finished yet and it functions like something of an open beta) called Dead Cells, which purported to combine Castlevania style platforming and exploration with elements of rogue-like gaming (in short: you die and that’s it).
Since I purchased the game a few days ago, my partner and I have put close to 30 hours into it collectively. For two people who both work full time at stressful jobs and who come home most nights with little desire to pour hours into a video game, it definitely says something that we’ve spent such a chunk of our free time forgoing activities like anime and television that require little active input in order to play this one.
The player starts off each playthrough with the barest of essentials. Dead Cells Copyright 2017 Motion Twin
In Dead Cells you play the headless animated corpse of a prisoner, your body given life from an infusion of green goo extruded from a mysterious tube. It’s implied that you might be the subject of some sort of experiment; a theory given merit by all the strange creatures around who seem to be observing you and taking note of your accomplishments. There isn’t much more of a story at the outset, and pretty soon you stop caring too much about the narrative since enemies start coming at you quickly and constantly. You start the game with a paltry 100 hit points and not much in the way of weaponry, but that changes quickly as you uncover upgrades to your health and battle power, find blueprints for better equipment, and begin to collect “cells” – glowing blue orbs that serve as a kind of currency for unlocking upgrades.
Though rogue-like and “rogue-lite” games are characterized by ever-changing, procedurally-generated environments and perma-death, Dead Cells gives you the opportunity to uncover and unlock certain things that are available upon each new playthrough (unless you decide to wipe your game file). There’s a health flask, a necessity as you start to work your way through some of the hairier stages, and various runes (at the time of this writing, 2 are available in the game) that provide the player character with more ways to navigate the terrain. There are also a huge number of weapons, skill weapons, shields, and general gameplay upgrades that, while not always available during every playthrough, become one of the random drops that could appear throughout the game. My favorite skill item is something called the “meat grinder,” which lays down a carpet of sawblades that causes bleeding damage to enemies that try to traverse it. There are some truly sadistic items in the game’s arsenal, and the arsenal is fairly large even though the game is in an unfinished state. The variety of weaponry allows for many different playing styles and lots of effective weapon combinations. The one criticism I might give the game in this area, though, is that the frequency of drops isn’t necessarily consistent, so I might go quite a while without a serviceable main weapon in one run, and have way too many good choices in the next one. That’s just the nature of randomization, I suppose.
Just some of the many items you can unlock, taunting you just out of reach. Dead Cells Copyright 2017 Motion Twin
If you’re not used to this sort of game, things can get a little bit frustrating. A couple of years ago I poured several hours into Rogue Legacy, which is a similar sort of gaming experience with a more humorous, cartoony exterior. I got very used to getting into the groove with my character, only to get my butt handed to me a minute later, thus booting me back to the beginning. The first couple of hours in Dead Cells are similarly difficult, and it can feel very repetitive since the time between runs is so short. What makes things tolerable and even fun is the fact that there are so many incremental improvements to be had right from the get-go and the game seems tuned to let you unlock them at a pace that keeps you coming back for “just one more round.” After gaining some confidence and speed, you can try for one of the game’s time doors, which cannot be opened after a certain time has passed on the game clock – the first one closes at 3:30, so you really don’t have much time. After figuring out some good weapon combinations, you can try fighting some of the boss creatures or tackling the more serious game areas – there are currently about 10 areas to explore and two really, really difficult boss creatures to fight.
Even though Dead Cells is quite fun in its current form, there’s still the question of why someone would want to purchase the game now in an unfinished state, rather than wait a while for the rest of it to be completed and polished. Someone I know voiced some concerns that the developers were getting paid for people to beta test their product for them, and there’s some merit to that when viewed through the lens of game development and finances. There’s one thing worth mentioning here, and that’s that Dead Cells feels like a complete experience the way it is right now. I haven’t encountered any bugs, the platforming and other aspects of the gameplay are tuned very well, and I feel like there are still several hours of fun to be had. Some of the weapon combinations might be ridiculously powerful right now, but I assume that’s something that will get addressed and I’m certainly taking advantage of it while I can. I think there’s also something appealing about watching the development of something unfold it real time and potentially being able to have some input on that. I really like Minecraft, and one thing that I’ve always found fun about that game is that the developers have always been very responsive to the things that fans have asked for. I have played the game since before the first “full” version was released, and love popping back in from time-to-time, just to see all the new things that have been added and fine-tuned. Dead Cells is maybe not the exact same sort of gameplay experience but, much like watching an anime series from week-to-week and discussing each new episode with the fandom, it’s fun to be around for each new addition, upgrade, and change, and be able to share that with an enthusiastic fandom for the game.
Dead Cells is available to buy and play on Steam. The MSRP is $16.99, but you can get it cheaper during the Steam Summer Sale. Check it out!
Despite the title of this website, I rarely stop after watching intro episodes of anime (unless the show is so terrible or offensive that it doesn’t deserve a second look; there have been many of those over the years). Here are some collected thoughts on some of the second and third episodes I’ve watched of selected series. This post will be updated as I conduct more follow-up viewings, so stay tuned.
I was fairly unimpressed with the first episode of the series, since it seemed to glorify violence and to specifically fetishize the fact that some of the most violent acts of war were being committed by a character in the body of a pre-pubescent girl. “Young girls in horrific situations” could be a sub-genre unto itself in anime, considering all of the series whose main point of interest involves thrusting youngsters into roles way above their emotional pay grade in order to look edgy or wring some sort of unearned emotional response out of the audience. In this case, I’m totally baffled why the first episode begins where it does, because Tanya’s origin story is much more compelling, and puts a totally different slant on what’s actually happening.
We learn that Tanya was originally a (male) Japanese middle manager who was known for being ruthlessly devoted to the health of his company. This meant taking a very uncaring attitude towards other employees, especially when firing them. A disgruntled former employee of the company pushes our protagonist(?) in front of a train early in the second episode. Time stops, and he has a lengthy conversation with God(?) regarding the existence of any deities (I have to hand it to the main character – his ability to maintain skepticism in the existence of God while speaking directly to him requires guts). Refusing to soften up, God (or “Being X” as the main character dubs him) causes him to be reborn in another world, but with all his memories intact. He scrapes by, does what he can to survive, and then joins the military, eventually reaching the point at which we joined the tale in the first episode.
What stood out to me was the fact that the story was less focused on the actual war than it appeared at first. Instead, my main take away from these follow-up episodes is more related to the main character’s conflicts with Being X regarding the need for faith, and Being X’s incredibly manipulative ways of forcing the main character to acknowledge the miraculousness of “God” and the situation God has forced him into. Tanya is compelled by Being X to pray each time the calculation jewel (which hones her magic powers) is used, otherwise it remains unstable and could kill her through its malfunction. This is supposed to eventually instill in her (and in the mentality of the man who still exists within her mind) a sense of humility and faith. On one hand I can see that the character truly needs to learn this lesson, because he’s a total jerk who caused a lot of upset in the lives he supervised. On the other hand, this manipulative deity who pulls strings to get humans to “believe” is pretty abhorrent. I gained a lot more sympathy for Tanya over the course of these episodes, simply for trying to hold onto a worldview while essentially being forced to let it go (or die in the process). This is certainly a lot more complexity than I would have expected originally.
With the way I watch anime, there’s always the danger of being so put off by something right away that I miss out on an anime’s better side by not wanting to bother with it anymore. Personally I think that there are some things that are beyond forgiveness, but there are also cases like this where I feel like maybe whoever was handling the series composition just didn’t do a good job of putting the story’s best foot forward. It’s not as if there aren’t still problems (I’m curious whether reviewers, including myself, can really speak to the genuine nature of the female-female professional relationship between Tanya and her subordinate when Tanya still houses the mostly-unaltered mentality of the Japanese salaryman she once was), but I think I might be up to following this through now.
ACCA: 13-Territory Inspection Department – Episode 2
Watching the second episode of ACCA helped to reinforce some of the general feelings I had about the particular construction this show seems to have. While, again, not a whole lot actually “happens” as far as action-y plot-related stuff, there are a lot of subtleties that seem to be leading in a particular direction.
Jean is still ostensibly the focal character, but there are many scenes throughout the episode where he is present but the POV appears to be held by someone else. This time we’re introduced to “photojournalist” friend of his named Nino, actually an undercover agent hired by Jean’s superiors to follow him around. There are several scenes here and there of Nino reporting on Jean’s whereabouts when normally we the audience would be privy to a firsthand what Jean was doing instead. There were a lot of scenes where I thought to myself that it would have been nice to know about Jean’s activities after going inside his home or turning the lights off in his hotel room; being on the outside and not knowing exactly what’s going on is disorienting, but I also suspect that we’re meant to develop a healthy suspicion of Jean in preparation for some bombshell later on. I’ve been trying to stay away from any plot spoilers to ready myself for this eventual surprise, so I hope that my interpretation is correct. There are several references to his possible involvement in a coup d’etat; whether that’s actually what’s going on or not is the question here.
This episode has similar pacing to the first, so viewers who found themselves frustrated with the slow-moving story in episode 1 will probably not be especially compelled to keep up with the series any further. I feel as though I’ve made my case as to why I find this type of anime series compelling already; the fact is, I haven’t found it boring at all, and I can feel the makings of a good thriller bubbling under the surface of what I’ve seen so far.
I had the feeling that the unique humor element of this show might wear down pretty quickly, and that was confirmed for me after watching the second episode. The show is reliant on one central gag, that being the opposing (and typically unexpected) personalities of the angels and demons in the main cast. This in itself admittedly remains pretty chuckle-worthy when I think about it, but the second episode falls into a rut that so many anime comedies do, in that it relies too much on its central gag and dances around it without doing much to expand or escalate any of the humor.
In this episode, Satania continues to be haunted by the bread-stealing dog, and thinks she knows more than she actually does about eating lunch in the school lunch room. Raphiel picks on Satania some more. Vigne and Gabriel bicker about Gabriel’s lack of motivation. The girls have an adventure trying to prepare a meal in their cooking class (using some… unusual ingredients). It’s all fairly standard sitcom stuff, with the flavor being the characters’ particular personalities. The issue I’m having at this point is that their personalities could really exist in any similar ensemble comedy, regardless of the characters being heavenly or hellish beings. Remove the horns, wings, halos, and upside-down crosses from the mix, and this is just another typical anime comedy without much worth recommending it above other similar anime series.
I probably won’t watch more of the show at this point, but I’ll try to keep an ear to the ground to see if anything actually ramps-up over the next few weeks.
The second episode of Dragon Maid continues in the same vein of being mostly cute, humorous, and primarily harmless. We meet a second dragon, a juvenile named Kanna, who’s been nursing a crush on Tohru and who wants to punish Kobayashi for monopolizing her time. Jealousy can be a dangerous motivator, but Kanna’s feelings are pretty simplistic and she gives up the pursuit once Kobayashi-san makes her feel welcome (and feeds her some chocolate). The dragons take miss Kobayashi out to play (dragons playing together can be a little dangerous, as we find out). Tohru also uses her dragon strength to capture a thief while out shopping (it’s also very evident that she’s well-liked by all the merchants, though she doesn’t really understand why).
I was really glad that there wasn’t a repeat of the uncomfortable, non consensual nudity from the first episode. It was a stain on what was otherwise a pretty enjoyable first outing for the show. The second episode continues to be fairly cute, manages to feature some really great animation during Tohru’s and Kanna’s play date, as well as during Tohru’s confrontation with the thief in the shopping arcade, and demonstrates a certain charm that makes it fun to watch despite the fact that it doesn’t really get me laughing all that much.
The one aspect that I don’t really like actually forms the basis for the show, which is a little problematic, I suppose. I’m not a big fan of characters who immediately proclaim their love for another character, especially against all logic and their target character’s wishes. Tohru is very forthcoming with her desires and there’s clearly some reason why she’s become fixated on Kobayashi (little bits and pieces of Tohru’s backstory have been peeking through already, so I’m guessing there’s something going on), but her fervent love and overwhelming jealousy is tough to handle without having some of that background to grasp onto. I’m hoping that a little more nuance develops as the show moves on. I’m not familiar with the manga, so I don’t know how realistic I’m being.
I will likely continue along with this show since I’m a fan of the KyoAni aesthetic and animation.