First Impressions Reviews

Winter 2020 First Impressions – Shorts: Room Camp, Natsunagu, and Breakers

Well, the outside world has been a bit of a dumpster fire lately, but at least there’s still anime to watch! In all seriousness, I’m not really someone who sees anime as “escapist” entertainment; for me, it’s something I actively engage with and not just so I can “turn my brain off” or feel good (though no hate to anyone who consumes their anime for those reasons). But sometimes things happen in real life that make you want to just step back for a little while and indulge in something that’s expected and predictable, and no matter what anime series I’m watching, the familiar cadence of the exaggerated Japanese language style and colorful characters are comfort food for me.

One thing to note about this post is that neither Breakers or Natsunagu are available on any official streaming platform in the US, so I went about obtaining them the “old-fashioned” way. If that bothers you, those reviews are the second and third ones in this post so they are easy to skip.

First Impressions Reviews

Winter 2020 First Impressions – ARP Backstage Pass, OBSOLETE, and A3! Season Spring & Summer

Ah, well here we are are the end of this season’s premieres (barring Netflix premieres… which I just can’t bring myself to break the Netflix late-cast embargo to review). It’s definitely been an interesting season, though I honestly could say the same for just about any anime season. After this I plan to post a Winter premiere wrap-up with links to all series first impressions (since they’re combined into various posts with one-another and aren’t as easily-searchable) as well as my own rankings based on those opening episodes.

I just found out about the anime OBSOLETE, and while it’s technically outside the purview of this particular season (it started airing in early December on YouTube) I decided to include it to help round out this post a little bit. Symmetry is pleasing to me (as I expect it is to a lot of people). I’ll also plan to include a post about some of the shorts airing this season, though in a couple of cases they’re not being officially streamed anywhere so I’ll have to improvise if possible. With that said, onto the post!

First Impressions Reviews

Winter 2020 First Impressions – Show By Rock!! Mashumairesh!!, In/Spectre, and 22/7

It’s always a bit of a struggle trying to decide whether to review sequel series or not. Typically I don’t; either I didn’t watch the original series and don’t know enough about it to say much, or it feels pointless to talk about something I’ve already written about. That said, if there’s a compelling reason to go against that inclination I’ll usually take that into account. I heard elsewhere that the new Show By Rock!! anime series features new characters and is a completely different story, so I added it back into the mix this time around.

After this there’ll only be a couple of shows left to write about (aside from Netflix series… which I’m still torn over how to handle despite my desire to support legal streaming here). It’s amazing to me how many new series there are each anime season, and how quickly the rush of new episodes flies by.

First Impressions Reviews

Winter 2020 First Impressions – Oda Cinnamon Nobunaga, A Destructive God Sits Next to Me, and Interspecies Reviewers

I do most of my writing on the weekends, and I feel like this most recent weekend has just been a marathon of consuming tons of anime even though it really hasn’t been that much (and most likely won’t seem like that much to readers, since this will be getting posted later in the week). It’s not the “watching” part of the equation that’s so much work for me, it’s all the writing that comes afterward. While I’ve changed my process quite a bit from how I was writing first impression posts previously, I still have to work diligently to write something I’m personally happy with and which encapsulates the feelings I want to express. I’ve found that if I slack off, even for a little bit, it becomes very easy to justify slacking off even more… which is why there are still several anime seasons where I’ve never completed the full set of reviews. I’ve been lucky that I’ve had some convenient days off during the last several weeks, so I haven’t had to balance the workload from my day job with that from my hobby.

Note: Some language and imagery related to Interspecies Reviewers is NSFW. That review appears last in this group.

First Impressions Reviews

Winter 2020 First Impressions – Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun, Science Fell in Love so I Tried to Prove it, and Smile Down the Runway

One thing that’s fascinated me about the anime localization process, especially now that almost every series is simulcast, is the truly awkward translation machine that results in mangled titles constructed of barely-coherent English. While the show’s actual subtitles might be grammatically competent, the officially-licensed title, the words that are supposed to attract viewers to a series, are sometimes nearly incomprehensible. Generally the Japanese license-holder is somewhat to blame for this, as they have the final say in any translation and might opt for something that’s literally acceptable but which doesn’t feel natural in English. I had my suspicions about Science Fell in Love, So I Tried to Prove it, and thought I could absolutely come up with something less awkward… but reading the Japanese title, that’s basically what it says. I might steal a little bit from the subject matter of the series and rephrase it to be something like “When Scientists Fall in Love, They’ll Look for Proof,” but that’s not really any better. Maybe I should just leave things to the professionals and keep my 15-years-removed college Japanese skills out of the equation from now on.

First Impressions Reviews

Winter 2020 First Impressions – If My Favorite Pop Idol Made it to the Budokan I’d Die, The Case Files of Jeweler Richard, and Uchitama?! Have You Seen my Tama?

I think this is possibly the longest title I’ve ever had for a blog post, and probably one of the more confusing. I saw an amusing video recently on the seeming propensity for light novel (and, by associate, anime) titles to be extremely long, and at what time in fandom history that started to become the case. This tendency can be frustrating when you’re trying to keep new and unfamiliar series straight in your own mind, especially if you’re not also familiar with the agreed-upon shortened versions of the titles. I think that using more words to describe something isn’t always the most successful manner of doing so; it’s why I have, however unsuccessfully, attempted to make my writing more concise over the years. But I suppose when something’s literally called I’ve Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed-out my Level, you at least know what you’re likely to get out of the experience.

First Impressions Reviews

Winter 2020 First Impressions – Hatena Illusion, BOFURI, and Infinite Dendrogram

Well, I’m continuing to plug away at premieres, although I’m finding it difficult to keep from watching the second episodes of series that I’ve liked (news flash: as of finishing this post, I’ve watched some of those episodes! I blame it on a friend visiting who hadn’t yet seen the first episode of Eizouken). While some people are able to keep things better balanced for themselves, I’ve found that it’s too easy for me to get distracted from the task at hand if I start watching ahead. It’s almost as if I consider finding out more of the story to be a reward, and one that I only deserve to indulge in if I’ve finished my “obligations.” I suppose that might be a little bit unhealthy, come to think of it, since it turns writing first impressions into a chore after which just watching anime for fun becomes the reward. Unfortunately, that’s the set-up that seems to work for me a lot of the time, so I suppose I’m locked-in for the near future.

First Impressions Reviews

Winter 2020 First Impressions – Number24, Plunderer, and Nekopara

We’re finally into a batch of new anime series about which I didn’t have any prior expectations. In a way, those can be the most fun to watch, because aside from how I might feel about the subject matter in general, I’m not forced to navigate around the baggage that expectations provide. That said, reading a blurbs and plot summaries in the process of preparing to watch something can sometimes create their own sort of expectations. Most genres have their own strengths and weaknesses (depending on how much one personally aligns with their tropes). Is there really any way to go into a viewing completely unmuddied by prior knowledge? It’s possible that by attempting to keep up with anime news I can’t ever go into a viewing without having some kind of reaction already waiting in the wings… but that doesn’t mean that watching the actual material can’t still provide its own surprises.

First Impressions Reviews

Winter 2020 First Impressions – Keep Your Hands off Eizouken!, Pet, and Sorcerous Stabber Orphen.

Life’s been busy lately. In addition to the new anime season, I’ve been attempting to keep up with the Awesome Games Done Quick stream, which has become a wonderful Winter tradition that I look forward to every year. I’ve been a fan of video game speed runs for a long time, ever since discovering TAS (tool-assisted speed run) videos way back in the day. It’s difficult to strike a balance between watching the new anime I’m excited about and experiencing the video game speed run culture I’ve grown to enjoy; in the end, both things are fleeting. Yet, the thing about new anime is that people talk about it on the internet, and there are a lot of spoilers, so sometimes it’s better to spoiler-proof oneself than to worry too much about whether the blindfolded Punch-Out run will be successful.

First Impressions Reviews

Winter 2020 First Impressions – Magia Record, ID: Invaded, and Seton Academy: Welcome to the Pack!

Now that Winter season premieres have kicked-off, it feels good to be back in the swing of things again. There was quite a bit of real-life stuff that kept me away from my writing over the past couple of months, so the fact that the timing worked out with my availability is a big relief for me. I’m hoping to stay as “on top” of things as possible this season. It’s always been my goal to watch and write about each premier before their second episodes come out. Thus far I haven’t been successful, but I’ve been close a couple of times in the past so I’m hopeful that I’ll achieve the goal someday.